Debunking Biden’s “Suckers and Losers” Comment: Gen. John Kelly was not Fired Because of That!

The Truth About General John Kelly’s Departure

In last Thursday’s debate, Joe Biden peddled a tired, old lie that has been debunked countless times. The claim? That President Trump called our fallen soldiers “suckers” and “losers.” Biden even dragged General John Kelly into his web of deceit. Well, it’s time to set the record straight and expose these falsehoods once and for all.

General John Kelly, a respected Marine Corps general, served as Trump’s White House Chief of Staff from July 2017 to December 2018. His tenure was marked by attempts to bring order and discipline to the White House. Kelly’s military background and no-nonsense approach seemed like the perfect fit to manage a sometimes chaotic administration. But things didn’t go as smoothly as planned.

Kelly and Trump had fundamentally different management styles. Kelly’s disciplined, structured approach clashed with Trump’s more spontaneous, hands-on leadership. Trump is a man who trusts his gut and values direct communication, while Kelly wanted to impose a rigid chain of command. This led to tension and friction between the two.

Policy disagreements also played a significant role in Kelly’s departure. On issues like immigration, Kelly was seen as more moderate, which didn’t always align with Trump’s hardline stance. These differences made it increasingly difficult for Kelly to execute Trump’s vision effectively.

Finally, there was the issue of staff turnover and leaks. Despite Kelly’s best efforts, the White House saw unprecedented levels of turnover. Leaks to the media were rampant, creating a volatile working environment. Kelly’s attempts to control access to the President and manage the flow of information were met with resistance, both from Trump and other staff members.

In December 2018, Trump announced Kelly would be leaving his position by the end of the year. The media spun it as a firing, but the reality was more complex. It was a mutual decision driven by the challenges and conflicts mentioned above. The narrative that Kelly was ousted because he stood up to Trump is a convenient myth, but it doesn’t hold water when you look at the facts.

Debunking the “Suckers” and “Losers” Lie

Now, let’s tackle the real whopper that Biden tried to pass off as truth during the debate. The allegation that Trump called fallen soldiers “suckers” and “losers” has been thoroughly debunked. Yet, Biden trotted it out again, hoping to score cheap political points.

The claim originated from a September 2020 article in The Atlantic, which cited anonymous sources. The lack of named sources should have been a red flag from the start. Anonymous claims are easy to make and impossible to verify, but the media ran with it anyway.

Trump immediately and vehemently denied the allegations, calling them “totally false.” And he wasn’t alone. Several current and former administration officials, including those who were with Trump on the trip to France where the comments were allegedly made, backed him up.

John Bolton, who has been openly critical of Trump and certainly has no reason to defend him, stated in his memoir that he didn’t recall Trump making such comments. Bolton’s credibility and his detailed account of events make it clear that the alleged remarks simply didn’t happen.

Other officials, like former Deputy Chief of Staff Zach Fuentes, also came forward to debunk the story. Fuentes, who was on the same trip, said, “I did not hear POTUS call anyone losers when I told him about the weather. Honestly, do you think General Kelly would have stood by and let ANYONE call fallen Marines losers?”

The Media’s Role in Spreading Falsehoods

The media played a significant role in amplifying this false narrative. They took anonymous allegations and ran with them, eager to tarnish Trump’s reputation. This is a classic example of the media’s bias and their willingness to abandon journalistic standards to attack Trump.

They ignored the numerous denials from credible, on-the-record sources. They sidelined the statements from people like Bolton and Fuentes, who had direct knowledge of the events. Instead, they clung to their anonymous sources and pushed a narrative but his claim about Trump calling fallen soldiers “suckers” and “losers” was particularly egregious. This falsehood has been debunked time and time again, yet Biden continues to spread it.

It’s time to hold him accountable for these lies. The media must also be held to a higher standard. They need to prioritize facts over narratives and stop pushing baseless allegations.

We deserve the truth, especially when it comes to something as serious as disrespecting our fallen heroes. President Trump has always shown great respect for our military, and it’s disgraceful that Biden and the media continue to propagate this lie.

Final Thoughts

Joe Biden’s debate performance was riddled with lies, distortions and incoherent ramblings, but his claim about Trump calling fallen soldiers “suckers” and “losers” was particularly egregious. This falsehood has been debunked time and time again, yet Biden continues to spread it.

It’s time to hold him accountable for these lies. The media must also be held to a higher standard. They need to prioritize facts over narratives and stop pushing baseless allegations.

We deserve the truth, especially when it comes to something as serious as disrespecting our fallen heroes. President Trump has always shown great respect for our military, and it’s disgraceful that Biden and the media continue to propagate this lie.

What do you think about Biden’s false claims? Do you believe the media should be held accountable for spreading these lies? Let us know in the comments section below. We want to hear your thoughts!

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  1. Avatar photoSHRW Reply

    This strikes as an act of desperation on Joe Biden’s part. It didn’t work We know it was a false accusation. We the people are not that gullible.

  2. Avatar photoMikeyParks Reply

    Biden should be faced with fact checks of his many lies and made to answer for them in real time. The media currently remain silent and let him get away with it. A lot of people hear those lies and, because there’s no backlash, believe them.

  3. Avatar photoCrotte Reply

    You need to remember that ethics, integrity and morals have no purpose in the DEI/DNC Biden Government along with the MSM. The game is follow the LIAR leader of the bunch.

  4. Avatar photoGreg Reply

    Biden’s lies and off the wall made up stories go back 50 years… he’s a habitual liar, and an ego maniac.

    Joe is the hateful obnoxious bully on the school’s playground who jumps on the poor younger skinny boy every day and steals his lunch money, and he always gets by with doing it every day because the little boy he robs is terrified of him. And, this feeds Joe’s ego, and gives him power over everybody.

    He always did this to build himself up in front of a crowd, and in front of the camera, with he spews these fantasy made up stories to make himself look more important than anyone else around him. He’s a liar, and he’s proud of it. This is all he has to show for his 50 years, 50 years of lies and a legacy of “zero” accomplishments.

  5. Avatar photoEarl losie Reply

    Untrue Accusations like this demonstrate the intellectual weakness our current political leaders
    the nation is coming to a moral and ethical conclusion. If the intents our

    framers of constitution are harmed , violated by spin doctors this nation will ultimately be brought to its knees and will cease to exist in its present form. The entire world will suffer catastrophic damage ….

  6. Avatar photoRichard Block Reply

    Trump has always had the utmost respect for our men and women in uniform including the military, police, firefighters, etc., whereas Biden disrespects them.

  7. Avatar photoLeftshot Reply

    “Well, it’s time to set the record straight and expose these falsehoods once and for all.”

    Nice thought, but Biden lies all the time. This is but one of several debunked lies Joe trotted out again. Like the fiction he told about what Trump said about Charlottesville.

    To put a fine point on how despicable Joe is, he repeats this lie even though he has NO personal knowledge of what Trump said about our soldiers, nor can he name even ONE eyewitness who claims Trump said this. In fact, all the eyewitnesses on the record have said nothing like this was ever said.

    That’s the kind of lowlife Joe Biden is.

  8. Avatar photoArlie Corbett Reply

    The MSM has become a true enemy of the American population. They are no longer interested in truth, or investigating both sides of a story. They only care about advancing a leftist point of view that creates unrest and division in the country. They have lost sight of their one function of looking for and presenting the truth to the American people.

  9. Avatar photogrumpyveteran Reply

    We should know by now that EVERY SINGLE WORD that comes from that deranged old man’s lips is a LIE. From the LIE that he knew nothing about his crackhead son’s business dealings to the lie that our border is secure to even “good morning” is a LIE!!! We need an amendment that gives us a speedy way to remove crooked politicians for lying!

  10. Avatar photoAllen Reply

    If anyone is a LOSER, it is Pedo Joe Biden. Add to that he is unlikable and a terrible judge of competent people. The worst person in the Trump Administration is better, likable and more competent than anyone in the “Biden administration.”

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