Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) is at it again, stirring the pot with wild claims and baseless fears. In a recent interview with podcast host Kara Swisher, AOC expressed her concern that former President Donald Trump would imprison her if he wins the November election. She believes that Trump’s rhetoric and actions during his first campaign indicate he would go after his political opponents.

AOC’s Unfounded Fears
AOC told Swisher, “I wouldn’t be surprised if this guy threw me in jail. He’s out of his mind. I take him at his word when he says that he’s going to round up people. I take him at his word when he threatens journalists.” Her fears seem to be based on Trump’s previous “lock her up” chants aimed at Hillary Clinton during his 2016 campaign. But is there any truth to these fears, or is this just another example of Democrat projection?
Trump’s Clear Stance Against Political Persecution
Trump has repeatedly stated that political persecution must end. In a recent interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity, Trump addressed the accusations of seeking retribution. He said, “Number one, they’re wrong. It has to stop, because otherwise, we’re not going to have a country.” Trump emphasized that his focus is on addressing the criminal activities, not on persecuting political opponents.
The Democrat Playbook: Projection
This is a classic case of Democrat projection. The Democrats often accuse Republicans of actions they themselves are guilty of. It’s a tactic used to deflect attention and create a narrative that aligns with their agenda. By projecting their own tendencies onto their opponents, they hope to sway public opinion and garner support.
The Role of the Mainstream Media
The mainstream media plays a significant role in perpetuating these narratives. Far-left media outlets often cover for the Democrats, presenting their claims as facts without proper scrutiny. This biased coverage contributes to the spread of misinformation and shapes public perception in favor of the left.
AOC’s Claims and the Reality
AOC’s claims about being imprisoned by Trump are not only unfounded but also serve as a distraction from real issues. Trump’s focus has always been on making America great again and addressing corruption within the government. His administration’s efforts to expose and tackle criminal activities have been misrepresented by the left as political persecution.
The American People See Through the Deception
The American people are not easily fooled. They recognize these tactics for what they are—desperate attempts by the left to retain power and control. AOC’s fear-mongering will backfire, as more and more Americans see through the deception and choose to support a leader who prioritizes the country’s welfare over political games.
The Upcoming Election: A Landslide Victory for Trump
As the November election approaches, it’s becoming increasingly clear that Trump has a strong chance of winning. Despite being a convicted felon, his support base remains solid, and many Americans believe he is the right person to lead the country. AOC’s endorsement of Biden and her warnings about Trump’s potential actions are unlikely to sway voters who are tired of the left’s constant fear-mongering.
Final Thoughts
AOC’s latest claims about Trump imprisoning her are yet another example of the Democrat playbook in action. By projecting their own tendencies onto their opponents and relying on biased media coverage, the left hopes to manipulate public perception. However, the American people are not falling for it anymore. Trump’s clear stance against political persecution and his focus on addressing real issues resonate with voters who want a leader who cares about America. As the election nears, it’s evident that AOC’s fears are baseless, and Trump’s support continues to grow. Expect a landslide victory for Trump in November, reaffirming the strength of our democratic republic and the Constitution.
What do you think about AOC’s latest claims? Comment below and let us know your thoughts!
I’m sure Trump wouldn’t jail/confine her… he wouldn’t do that to the mentally incompetent.
Trump won’t have to The Right and Trump live rent free in here little head
Not only would he not, he can’t! That is not withing his power of office. Though, I wish he could as she is one of the most incompetent liberal/leftist imbeciles in office!
True, but imprison imbeciles!
Pres. Trump is. good person and probably wouldn’t put her in jail, but this is where she belong.
She has done nothing to help the American people or America. She needs to go back to
tending bar.
Jail would be good but I’m for exile!
The Girl needs to go back to Bartending.
Either she is delusional or she thinks the American people are really dumb.
AOC thinks she is a lot more important than she is
AOC aka occasional cortex has the fear of being imprisoned if a honest president is elected. This is because she knows that all of the anti American treasonous crap she has pulled will no longer have the communist traitors covering for her.
This broad is nuts I’m embarrassed to say I live in New York state and the idiots in New York City voted for the psycho nut Job
Well, if he WOULD imprison her, it would undoubtedly be because she’s just SO smokin’ hot that he (along with all the rest of us) just can’t resist her and he’s locking her away so he won’t be tempted to scurry off with her and make sweet, sweet Trumpilicous love. Remember – she said it herself – men who disagree with her do so because they are victims of their uncontrollable lust for her. Regardless of the motivation, we should all be so lucky as to have her in the slammer for DJT’s second term.
Dang, you have very low standards if you think this haint is smoking hot.
He wouldn’t waste his time. She simply isn’t important enough. She is irrelevant. Why hunt a mosquito when there are snakes and rats to exterminate?
AOC is a paranoid Muslim Marxist traitor and should be stripped of citizenship and deported to Gaza!
it may be a good idea to find out where that 29 mil came from?
Must have a guilty conscience. I didn’t think she had one.
A guilty conscience is better than no conscience.
Somebody needs to lock the looney bitch up. She has done nothing of merit to benefit those idiots that elected her — only running her mouth with a bunch of stupid blabber!
We will give AOC a fair trial! And the rest of them. I’m up for that. You could call it social justice.
But the rogue AOС knows that she deserves prison. she will go to prison, she will definitely go to prison. She deserved it!
Does anyone believe always overly confused, AOC, could survive the scrutiny and investigations Trump has experienced in the last 9 years?
Maybe someone should look into AOC’s net wealth prior to being in congress to her present net worth and determine if the difference could be the result of legal actions taken with the salary of a congress representative.
Although the thought of seeing her in orange jumpsuit is tempting, I would think that throwing her out of the Congress would be enough.
AOC has already had her stint at Gitmo. That’s not her. This AOC is an imposter. just like Joe Biden is.
No one would spend a nickel incarcerating this brain dead skank. Just give this jabbering zit a cardboard box, a shopping cart and a swift kick in her boney backside.
Nonsense! When the circus folds, no-body arrests the clown.
Trump won’t waste his time with her. She comes from an overly liberal state. President Trump will go on with the business of running the country as opposed to dealing with a minor politician after the election.
The voters of NYC must be dumb as a rock….AOC as a representative is a sham a true communist.
AOC doesn’t believe Trump will imprison her. She is just a drama queen that can’t resist trying to create drama where these is none. First of all, she is just not that important in the scheme of things. Even if Trump was inclined to persecute his political opponents lik ethe conniving Demmunists do–which he is NOT–why would he bother with a clueless PISS ANT like AOC?
She’s a hysterical attention seeker. Trump doesn’t waste any time giving her a thought. However, I do wish we could send her to a galaxy far, far away.
AOC knows better than us why she is going to jail.
President Trump re-elected, will not waste his time with AOC and get on with running the country.
There’s too many things to deal with and AOC is a media loving pimple on a bull’s arse.
Is that what she would do if she were in Trump’s place?
If the shoe fits, wear it. Have you been a trader to the USA? Yes you have. Go Trump!
Not imprison her but send her to Iran where she belongs. The muslims leaders there will do the imprisonment
Airhead On Crack ( AOC ) is a nutcase and most likely belongs in jail with the rest of her corrupt cronies..her constituents are complicit with the corruption for electing psychotic inexperienced cases such as her ..she’s a bartender for heaven’s sake and suddenly a millionaire since entering office..lobbyists need to be banned..
AOC wishes Trump would send her to prison so she would have the American people support her after she gets booted out of office(a place she should have NEVER ended up.). What should happen to her when she ends up in prision, is, she should be supported with the money she has in the bank from all of her fraudulent actions while in office……
Note to Jimmy Parker.
The word is delusional, not dilusional.
Don’t forget to proof read before submitting an article.
Thanks Daniel you are correct – surprised my spell check missed that.. I’m actually an engineer by training, I’m lucky I can spell my name.. LOL
In prison, will everyone still want to date her ?
Well, isn’t she just full of herself. If elected, Trump would probably just ignore her altogether…as we all should. Looks like New York’s 14th Congressional District is a lost cause.
A prison bar maid. Just what the stable needed.
All the corrupt Establishment Elite Globalist need to be in prison while they wait execution for Treason.
AOC needs to get aver herself. Her existence is only like an annoying mosquito buzzing around.
The Dems always accuse of what they do, or would do. She’s so mean, hateful and insane, this is what she would do.
Trump may not but that’s where I want the traitor.
AOC is noting but a stupid ass bitch that’s got to draw attention to her falling self she so insecure about herself and she needs to go back to the country she came from and she should have never been put in office even if she does have citizenship here they’re all corrupt from her country and we should have known she would have brought shit here to push her narrative if anything she should go to prison she’s so corrupt and she thinks she can get away with murder and she has all the Democrats need to go they’re all corrupt and that’s where they belong let’s just put them all and getmo and leave them there to die.
If Your Guilty Of a Crime and You Know You Participated in It???-Hilarious!!!-When The Indictments Start To Flow You Will See The Nest Turning On Each Other for Lighter Sentences!-The Rest Will Scatter Across The Planet To Unknown Destinations On Extended Holidays!!-This One Will Sing Like a Bird!!-Arrest It First!!
Oh, she is not delusional. She is just dumdass stupid.
She should be worried, her and every other corrupt Globalist Establishment Elite.
AOC, Trump is going to be too busy with getting the country back from disaster; he’s not going to worry about you. You are not essential, and you will be a bug on the wall.
If Trump was asked about this ridiculous claim he would probably respond, “AOC who?”
AOC is delusional. narcissist. She is a body, and will be back bartending next election
AhOleC has nice hoobie doobies and lips
Did AhOle C do porn before she swallowed her way into congress?
“I want a LIVING WAGE for NYC”. Next morning, “Why is my bagel and coffee doubled in price?”
“WE don’t want AMAZON in NYC, they MAKE PEOPLE WORK for a living!”.
AOC the Economist
Delusions of relevance
As much as ‘d like to see AOC sitting in the slammer I don’t think it would be Trump that puts her there. My biggest questions about this political lightweight are how are so many foolish enough to vote for her? What does she bring to the table? Do you see what she espouses? Do you know who she runs cover for? Has she had even 1 idea that was good for the country and economically viable?
All IS being REVEALED! Donkey faced aoc ain’t fit to govern a barroom toilet. The Whole Squad needs expulsion from office and deported for crimes against Americans.
Who says that she has all of her crimes on record ? Maybe she is just being pre-dramatic to prepare for an indictment on a crime that we are just unaware of.
if she did nothing, why would she worry about going to prison? Let her worry about all the crap she has vomited and thing about her prison sentence she deserves.
I hope Trump DOES put AOC’s skanky ass in jail. I’m so sick of her running her mouth.
A.O.C. should have her citizenship revoked and she should be dumped off in some foreign country, like Haiti or Afghanistan.
Why would anyone waste one second on her She wants everyone to think that she is so important that she will have to be done away with You know like they tried to do to President Trump So no she is trying to play some story in her empty mind She wants all of those social media people think that she is the only one who can fix this country She has to get attention someway I do believe that she should be held at least 45 days to be evaluated in a mental hospital and besides what has she done to be locked up unless it’s for being stupid If we were in a world that you would locked up for being stupid She would be a lifer
So Miss dumber than a pile of dog shit has opened the cell door herself for her little class to the illegals and what to do if ICE shows up I think she is a scheming little bitch and she should be out as a congresswoman She is committing treason So her speech to congress she said “So they go do a little thing like shoplift and then they get deported Well that’s not good enough These people have done nothing wrong” and she believes that she is making our country better by instructing criminals how to stay in the our country Yes she better get some jail time out of this and expelled from Congress Haha the ignorant know it all This is the same person that said she didn’t want to get student loans or she would have gone to medical school I am thinking in what fucking country not here
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