During his confirmation hearing for the position of Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS), Robert F. Kennedy Jr. assured Republican Senator James Lankford from Oklahoma that he aligns with President Donald Trump’s pro-life policies regarding abortion.
Kennedy, who previously seemed to support abortion rights during his presidential campaign, especially for late-term abortions, clarified at the Senate Finance Committee hearing that he would adhere to Trump’s agenda if confirmed. “I’m going to support President Trump’s policies on Title X. I agree with President Trump that every abortion is a tragedy. I agree with him that we cannot be a moral nation if we have 1.2 million abortions a year,” Kennedy stated, asserting a policy that prioritizes state control over abortion regulations.
Kennedy further emphasized his commitment to upholding Trump’s objectives which include eliminating late-term abortions, safeguarding conscience exemptions for healthcare providers, and halting federal funding for abortions domestically and internationally. These are crucial aspects of Trump’s approach as outlined in Title X. “I serve at the pleasure of the president. I’m going to implement his policies,” added Kennedy. This sentiment sharply contrasts the actions of former President Joe Biden’s administration, which reversed a rule in October 2021 that blocked federal family planning assistance under Title X from going to health centers that performed or referred abortions.
When questioned by Senator Lankford regarding the right of healthcare providers to refuse to perform operations they morally oppose, Kennedy supported the notion. He questioned the feasibility and ethics of forcing a medical professional to conduct a procedure they morally object to, rhetorically asking, “What patient would want somebody doing a surgery on them that believes — that surgery’s against their conscience being forced to perform that?” Kennedy highlighted his family’s diverse viewpoints regarding abortion, underscoring the importance of having respectful national conversations on the subject. “We need to welcome diversity in this country. We need to respect diversity and we need to respect each other when we have different opinions and not force our opinions on other people,” Kennedy wisely articulated.
In addressing transparency around the side effects of “the chemical abortion drug” Mifepristone, Senator Lankford received assurance from Kennedy that safety information is paramount. Kennedy described the necessity of understanding drug safety and adverse events, indicating that President Trump has tasked him with examining these safety issues, utilizing bodies like the NIH and FDA. “We need to know what adverse events are. We need to understand the safety of every drug,” Kennedy affirmed, maintaining a focus on patient safety consistent with Trump’s prudent stance.
Trump’s abortion policy is that it is up to each state to decide for itself. I support that also. I personally abhor abortion as anytime you want up to and including live birth, but it is up to the states to decide their own laws and policies on the subject.
There has never been a law allowing abortion. The Supreme Court does not make laws only interpret them by applying the constitution. Roe vs Wade was an opinion, an opinion that was overturned. Then the decision was returned to the states Weak republicans have allowed no restrictions on killing babies in most states ever since. Democrats are ok with child sacrifice