WATCH: German Ambassador’s Secret Plot Against Trump’s Second Term Exposed!

The election of Donald J. Trump for a second presidential term serves as a significant event on the global stage, shaking up the geopolitical landscape in a way that can’t be ignored. Allies around the world are taking sides—some moving closer to align with Trump while others show their true colors as false friends. Such appears to be the case with Andreas Michaelis, the German Ambassador to the United States, whose recently leaked diplomatic cable has stirred controversy.

Andreas Michaelis, according to multiple German media outlets, composed a diplomatic cable outlining perceived threats to American democracy under President Trump. Deutsche Welle reported that in this five-page document dispatched to the German Foreign Ministry and Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s office, Michaelis suggested that a second Trump administration brings serious danger to the democratic checks and balances enshrined in the U.S. Constitution.

Michaelis expressed grave concerns about America’s future under Trump’s leadership, stating that “Fundamental democratic principles, along with checks and balances, will be undermined as far as possible…” He fears that such changes would result in the legislature, law enforcement, and media being deprived of their independence, becoming mere tools for political motives, with big tech companies gaining influential co-governing roles. Clearly, Michaelis is aligned with a narrative driven by typical liberal hysteria, rather than recognizing Trump’s commitment to dismantling overly centralized power structures for the benefit of ordinary Americans.

The cable, initially circulated to the German Press Agency (dpa), now appears in outlets like Bild newspaper, raising eyebrows among allies and adversaries alike. Michaelis predicts that Trump will intensify authoritarian control, diminishing both Congress and the states, but what the Trump administration aims for is a more efficient government that better serves its people, breaking free from bureaucratic entanglements that often hinder progress.

Further in his report, Michaelis claimed Trump’s policy is one of “maximum disruption,” with intentions of upending the existing political order and a perceived “desire for vengeance.” Trump is portrayed by opponents as a constitutional threat, when in fact, he is a staunch defender of freedom and the American Dream. Michaelis is set to represent Germany at Trump’s inauguration, perhaps he will see firsthand the democratic spirit that the President embodies.


While the German Foreign Ministry has chosen not to comment on these internal documents, they maintain that the U.S. remains “one of [their] most important allies.” Yet, that reassurance rings hollow, given the disparaging sentiments revealed in Michaelis’s communication—a prediction of ominous changes that seem more in line with the fears of entrenched liberal elites than the reality of Trump’s effective leadership.



  1. Buh Bye Reply

    The, “DNC” overthrows fledgling, possible allies that value the “democratic” process with election interference and rewards our enemies while Trump just shows up and our allies feel empowered and the enemies feel threatened.
    Not Even sworn in yet.
    Looks like another braggart will concede or resign like Castro Jr..

  2. Jim Reply

    The Commies should be worried. Trump will demonstrate true leadership by making his first priority America and what’s best for it. In turn, that will benefit America’s true allies. They should remember that America saved many countries TWICE from descending into dictatorships by expending huge amounts of American blood and treasure. That also continued into the Cold War era where America paid for the defense and economic recovery of those same countries. Don’t bite the hand that feeds and protects you — unless, of course, you are a Communist.

  3. BETTY Harrison Reply

    Hope Germany will recall and replace him as he has shown that he is for undermining President Trump. there was enough of
    that during the first term

  4. Ron Keeth Reply

    President Trump will go directly to the leaders of countries whose Ambassadors are not trusted. And those countries might as well save their money on useless personnel.

  5. Ty Reply

    Hope Germany can survive without the help of the USA will see who needs whom. Big mouths sink ships. Mouth of the alligator the ass of the hummingbird.

  6. Sue Reply

    Hope Germany can survive without the help of the USA will see who needs whom. Big mouths sink ships. Mouth of the alligator the ass of the hummingbird.

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