They’re Losing Their Minds: Dems Hold Rally Declaring ‘War’ [Video]

Protests unfolded this past Tuesday evening as Democrat lawmakers gathered in front of the Treasury Department to voice their discontent with Elon Musk and his influence over various sectors, including finance and technology. Key figures such as Representatives Ayanna Pressley and LaMonica McIver led the charge, delivering fiery speeches that called for more aggressive steps against Musk’s perceived overreach.

In a series of heated remarks, Rep. LaMonica McIver underscored the intensity of their grievances, proclaiming, “We will not take this! We will fight back! And goddammit shut down the Senate! We are at war!” These words resonate with a growing faction of individuals who view Musk’s moves, especially concerning cryptocurrency and technological ventures, as overstepping boundaries that traditionally belong to government institutions.

Similarly, Ayanna Pressley didn’t hold back in her condemnation, urging her fellow Democrats and the broader public to reckon with Musk’s impact. “I want to say to our Republican colleagues — pay attention. We’re here today in the hopes that you will see the light. But if you do not see the light, we will bring the fire. Resist!” During her speech, Pressley took further jabs at Musk, labeling him a “Nazi nepo baby,” a term designed to highlight his privileged background and controversial associations.

Amid this backdrop of protests, Maxine Waters took the platform to express further disapproval, articulating, “We have got to tell Elon Musk, ‘Nobody elected your ass. Nobody told you you could get all of our private information. Nobody told you you could be in charge of the payments of this country.'”

Perhaps the most fervent denouncement came from Elizabeth Warren, who addressed what she perceives as an unwarranted consolidation of authority by Musk. Her words, delivered with impassioned conviction, were as follows: “Not one Democrat in America voted for Elon Musk, not one Republican in America voted for Elon Musk, not one independent in America voted for Elon Musk, not one libertarian in America voted for Elon Musk, dammit, not one vegetarian in America voted for Elon Musk, and yet, Elon Musk is seizing the power that belongs to the American people.”

Historically, Trump has shown a penchant for business leaders who disrupt traditional paradigms, fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. Musk, with his forays into space exploration, electric vehicles, and financial technology, embodies such disruption. It’s conceivable that Trump’s supporters would endorse Musk’s drive, seeing him as a catalyst for change and advancement, resonating with Trump’s own ethos of challenging the status quo.



  1. Tom Pernia Reply

    Democrats had their chance to run the government and totally screwed it up and ran it into the ground. Now Republican will have to fix it like always.

  2. YO VINNIE Reply

    Idiots protesting that they approve of the corruption and waste in government. These slugs are the problem. Get out of the way.

  3. Sue R. Reply

    Shut down the Senate? We are at war? Are these people insane? With whom are they at war with? And who voted for any of the people Biden nominated? Do they really believe they are so much smarter and better than the rest of us?

  4. Jim Reply

    The Democrats never had a problem with George Soros (many funded by him) influencing and embedding his people into American government ever since he installed obama. Those Soros toadies is where the term ‘Deep State’ originated. They are still there. These are the same people that Trump is trying to get rid of in order to Make America Great Again. The Socialist/Communist Democrats want power and control over us in every aspect of our lives. Trump, Musk and MAGA want to free us of that kind of repressive government.

  5. SteveB Reply

    Poor Pocahontas, she just doesn’t know which way to turn…so screwed up just like the rest of the misguided Dims that are ranting and raving about the much needed changes President Trump is making!
    All I have to say to them is…Get Used To It!!!!

  6. Anonymous Reply

    It’s ironic how they say no one voted for Elon Musk when they treat Fauci as if he’s God. And to no one’s surprise “Mad Max” Waters is still ugly.

  7. C.W. LAUDERDALE Reply

    Note: Best you pay attention America! All the lefties quoted in this article have laid out right in front of you a great example of the kind of behavior on the part of politicians and bureaucrats I have seen for far too many times during my years of trying to serve you as a soldier and federal/municipal cop. The type activities they are defending has proven time and time again over the years that the lessons learned presented below are accurate. I must thank each and every one of the leftest politicians defending the USAID’s outrageous expenses for demonstrating that most of the American people and their hard earned tax dollars mean little to to the politicians and bureaucrats who support the reported outrageous expenditures on the part of USAID. Unfortunately, the report on USAID’s expenditures are just the top of the barrel. As we dig deeper the American public may have to be restrained to protect the hoards of corrupt politicians and bureaucrats who have sold out the American taxpayer time and time again. If you have the time suggest you read the entire lessons learned presentation presented below. Don’t worry, I did not include those lessons learned that might drive many of you to commit violent crimes. Have a nice day. Soldier/Cop, Retired


    My fellow Americans, as an 82 year old soldier/cop serving primarily in counter-terrorism and installation/community security activities throughout most of my career (joined army while Eisenhower was in office) I have been trying since 1986 to make each of you aware of the primary threats to you, your family, and your country. I have asked Americans over and over again what will it take for you to stand up and take back those rights given to you by God and promised to be respected/protected by our founding fathers when they drafted the Constitution? From what I see/hear/feel each and everyday since Joe Biden stole the presidency I must admit to the American people that those of us serving in the military and/or as police officers have failed to protect you from all of your enemies both foreign and most especially domestic.

    Now, In consideration of all of the corruption/incompetence/treachery/etc., coming forth under the brightest light ever thanks to the Biden/Harris administration and their bosses/supporters here and around the world, I am just asking where most of you Americans stand in regards to your rights/roles/duties as citizens.

    Seems the arrival of Donald J. Trump followed by Biden’s theft of the Presidency has stripped us all naked to expose not only the sores on our bodies, but those on our souls as well!

    The lessons learned I am presenting to you may give you a glimpse into the inner world of a government that devotes most of its time/energy ruling you versus serving/protecting you from the vantage point of one who served in government from the municipal through the federal level as a soldier and cop.

    Most of the lessons learned (Note: After the Biden/Harris administration’s performance to date in dealing with hurricanes Helene and Milton, and now the ongoing disaster in California displaying in roaring flames the incompetence/corruption of the far left dominated governments, I have only included those lessons learned most relevant to the current situation and eliminated those that may overly stress many of you.) were originally drafted in the late eighties as the prelude to a book titled: ‘Rape, Pillage, Plunder; America, You’ve Been Had!’ The Department of Defense denied permission to publish the book in that they classified an investigation detailed therein that named a gaggle of politicians and bureaucrats at every level of government as subjects. Three of those subjects went on to be elected to the office of President of the United States of America!


    NOTE: Newest and hopefully best lessons learned first.

    *Donald Trump, is the American people’s last hope and the only “Battle Captain” to ever serve as our Commander-in-Chief is now standing tall among us. America, are you willing to stand with him?
    *The end goal of the World/American elites and their minions is not (nor ever has been) socialism, communism, fascism, or capitalism. The elites of the World/America and their minions have used all manner of ideologies, religions, terrorism, wars, etc., to drive the masses/peasants/serfs/whoever/whomever/whatever in one direction. That direction leads to one of the oldest forms of human control ever employed in the history of mankind. That form of human control is; “FEUDALISM!”
    * The ‘Seven C’s of Leadership’ according to a survey of Vietnam era ground combat veterans listed of the order of their importance to the veterans are; Candor, Competence, Consistency, Commitment, Courage, Compassion, and Courtesy. The reason the veterans chose “Candor” first and foremost, is because candor encompasses both omission and co-mission. To a combat veteran the lack of absolute candor, be it co-mission or omission, are equal sins! It has been my observation that, democrats are masters of co-mission while republicans are masters of omission! How many politicians do you know who even attempt to follow the the Seven C’s of Leadership?
    *The American people are the most effectively lied to people in modern times thanks primarily to the political class, the bureaucracy, the media, and academia.
    *The greatest threats to the American people are the hoards of self-serving, corrupt, and/or incompetent politicians/bureaucrats/academicians found at every level of government/academia, and the majority of the so-called media.
    *The second greatest threat to the American people is that presented by radical Muslims bent on ridding the world of non-believers, installing Sharia as the only law of the land, and Islam as the world’s only religion. Note: For all of you non-Muslims who think you support Islam I strongly suggest you carefully study the game plan supposedly first presented by Mohammad (The Prophet) in the early 600’s and the current socialization/cultural practices of the current Iranian government. I submit unless you are a sadistic male you will not enjoy life as a Muslim.
    *Most of the politicians/bureaucrats/academicians/media types I have encountered during my years as a soldier and a cop I currently refer to as; self-serving, witless, corrupt, incompetent, cowards. Prior to retiring to the deep woods I referred to most of the before mentioned folks as self-serving, witless, corrupt, incompetent, cowardly, piss-ants. After retiring to the deep woods I came to know that piss-ants are neither self-serving nor witless, and certainly not cowards!
    *There are only two primary requirements to be a career soldier and/or cop in America. One must be smart enough to do the work and dumb enough to take the job.
    *American soldiers and police officers must in addition to mastering all of their professionally mandated tasks learn to accomplish the same with at least one arm tied behind their backs, and their vision and hearing impaired 50% or more.
    *After carefully watching the whole of the political class for many years I can say without reservation that most of the group will sell their souls and our bodies just to remain in power.
    *Want to see what the United States of America will look like if the left/progressives take total control of the government? Take your pick, New York City, Baltimore, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, Portland, or the complete packages; California, New York, Illinois, etc, etc, etc…..!
    *Arrogance minus knowledge equals stupidity (A – K = S!).

    Have a nice day,


  8. Rattlerjake Reply

    Make no mistake, we better have a replacement for Trump in 2028, AND get him elected or all of this will be for not!

  9. Bret Reply

    Trump won the residency and even the popular vote so I do believe the people did vote for DOGE and Musk. Trump is the most hated man to the left, but Musk is a close second. Keep up the good work

  10. Diaz Reply

    In the entire Executive Branch, only two persons are elected. No one else was elected. Not a single US Senator received a majority of US votes.

  11. H. C. Juengst Reply

    Note that all these speeches calling for violence, or threatening war, are made inside cities!
    Bring your threats out to rural areas and we’ll take you at your word! You might not get back to the city

  12. Hampton Scott Tonk Reply

    Those unhinged violence-promoting Democrats can be charged with the same felonies that Senator “Chuckie Cheese” Schumer can be charged with: 18 USC 29 (election crimes and illegal political activities), 18 USC 41 (threats), 18 USC 241 (conspiring to injure, oppress, or intimidate any person within any jurisdiction of the United States), 18 USC 373 (solicitation to commit a crime of violence), 18 USC 1507 (picketing or parading with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice), 18 USC 1514 (harassment), 18 USC 2101 (incitement to riot), and possibly other Federal statutes in the United States Code.

  13. Ty Reply

    Democrats are scared sh-tless because all their secret slush funds are being exposed. If the weren’t corrupt they would agree to a audit to see how they could save the taxpayers money but not democrats there corruption schemes are getting exposed and a lot of them have committed federal crimes and laundering money and kick backs or large sums of money to their campaigns.
    Democrats gravy train is finished but best of all now we find the corrupt people endorsing all this corruption that’s why democrats are screaming everyday on tv. It doesn’t mater if Musk or someone else continues the investigation it’s started and people are going to go to prison. Get your attorneys ready.

  14. Bomer Reply

    insurrection, an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity by a group of its citizens or subjects; also, any act of engaging in such a revolt. Did J6 do this? I think not.

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