Leavitt ANNIHILATES Clueless Reporter: ‘Illegals ARE Criminals!’

In a fiery debut that left the liberal media scrambling, White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt delivered a masterclass in defending President Donald Trump’s bold America-First agenda during her first briefing on January 28, 2025.

Leavitt, a stalwart defender of Trump’s policies, shredded hostile reporters who repeatedly attempted to gaslight the American public with disingenuous questions about immigration enforcement and federal spending freezes. Her performance, reminiscent of Trump-era press secretaries like Kayleigh McEnany, showcased the administration’s unwavering commitment to transparency, law and order, and dismantling the Left’s narrative machine.

Leavitt opened the briefing by reaffirming the Trump administration’s dedication to a “revolutionary media approach,” breaking from the elitist legacy press to engage directly with independent journalists, podcasters, and grassroots content creators. “This White House believes strongly in the First Amendment,” she declared, announcing the restoration of press passes for 440 journalists unjustly silenced by the Biden regime. “We’re opening up this briefing room to new media voices…because Americans’ trust in mass media has fallen to a record low.” The move, she emphasized, reflects President Trump’s pledge to bypass corrupt corporate outlets and speak directly to the people—a stark contrast to Biden’s censorship-industrial complex.


The press secretary’s calm yet unyielding demeanor was immediately tested as legacy reporters launched into a coordinated assault on Trump’s immigration policies. NBC’s Peter Alexander, emblematic of the media’s deliberate ignorance, grilled Leavitt over ICE’s recent arrests of 1,179 illegal aliens, nearly half of whom had “no prior criminal record” beyond their illegal entry.

Leavitt dismantled his premise with surgical precision: “If you are an individual, a foreign national, who illegally enters the United States of America, you are, by definition, a criminal.” When Alexander feigned confusion over whether violent criminals remained a priority, she countered, “Two things can be true at the same time…the illegal criminal drug dealers, the rapists, the murderers…absolutely should be the priority. But that doesn’t mean other illegal criminals…are off the table.”

Undeterred, ABC’s Mary Bruce launched a redundant follow-up, demanding statistics on deportees’ criminal records. Leavitt, refusing to indulge the charade, fired back: “All of them [are criminals] because they illegally broke our nation’s laws…It’s a big culture shift in our nation to view someone who breaks our immigration laws as a criminal, but that’s exactly what they are.” The exchange laid bare the media’s desperation to normalize lawlessness—a hallmark of the Biden era—while Leavitt reaffirmed Trump’s resolve to restore sovereignty.

The briefing descended into chaos as reporters flagrantly violated their own “decorum” guidelines, shouting over colleagues and filibustering with repetitive questions. Leavitt, however, maintained control, chastising Bruce after she hijacked the mic: “I’ve been asked and answered about this OMB memo four times…There’s many other topics of the day.” The hypocrisy was glaring: Where was this aggressive scrutiny when Biden’s spokespeople dodged questions about inflation, the border crisis, or Hunter’s laptop?

Leavitt’s triumph wasn’t merely rhetorical—it was symbolic. By inviting New Media voices into the briefing room, she signaled the end of the corporate media’s monopoly on truth. Outlets like The Gateway Pundit, OANN, and Breitbart, long marginalized by the D.C. establishment, now have a seat at the table. Meanwhile, the legacy press’s meltdown—marked by tantrums and gotcha questions—exposed their irrelevance in Trump’s Washington.


President Trump’s agenda dominated the discourse: mass deportations of “illegal criminals,” slashing federal bloat to curb inflation, and restoring the Rule of Law. Leavitt’s crisp messaging left no room for the media’s distortions. “President Trump has a great story to tell about the legendary American revival that is well underway,” she declared, citing his unprecedented accessibility to the press and public. Unlike Biden, who hid in basements and relied on scripted lies, Trump is “everywhere again”—a leader unafraid to confront critics head-on.



  1. Grizz Man Reply

    These reporters seem to have earplugs in and repeat already covered topics. That is, they have one question such as 2+2=, that you’ll get a different reply from Two plus Two equals. Amazing, what A WASTE OF TIME..

  2. Gidge Reply

    Trransparency at last. this gal is the best. She knoqs her stuff, not like previous Admin. who was lied to or misled to make the statements she made.

  3. grumpyveteran Reply

    She handled the braying jackass like a real teacher instructing a belligerent student who is disrupting her classroom! Hopefully the other braying jackasses in the media will learn that she is honest, transparent, and will not be bullied by scumbags like him!

  4. C.W. LAUDERDALE Reply

    Note: Politicians, bureaucrats, academicians, and most media folks, suggest most of you best do your research and educate yourselves on the details of envelopment operations for that is what Donald is bringing to American government at every level (see message below). At least dig your foxholes deeper and add overhead cover. Also, those of you who support all the unchecked opposition to Donald Trump and/or his programs, and all you Rinos who ride on his coattails yet refuse to stand beside him better thank the Lord that Donald has refused (so far) to accept the “clean the swamp” plan submitted to him by a group of retired military officers. Have a nice day. Soldier/Cop, Retired


    America, we are once again on the path to make America great again. Why? Because over 75 million of us have re-elected the very first true ‘Battle Captain’ to ever serve as our President and Commander-in-Chief. Why do I say Donald Trump is our first true Battle Captain? Because, Donald Trump is the first president to regularly demonstrate that the ‘Seven C’s of Leadership’ are a part of his character. The ‘Seven C’s of Leadership’ listed in the order of their importance as determined in a 1980 survey of 1645 ground combat veterans are: CANDOR, COMPETENCE, COMMITMENT, CONSISTENCY, COURAGE, COMPASSION, and COURTESY.

    As one of the army officers charged with finding a true Battle Captain among all those army officers serving this nation from the Revolutionary War through the Vietnam Conflict, I can testify that we only found one officer who made the grade of ‘Battle Captain’. And, he like Donald Trump was not a professional soldier. A year before the Battle of Gettysburg he was a college professor, yet most historians credit him for saving the Union Forces left flank and forcing General Lee to commit his forces to a frontal attack which failed. The Battle of Gettysburg is generally credited as the turning point of the Civil War and lead to the surrender of the Confederate Forces two years later.

    Donald Trump has proven that he is indeed a Battle Captain. He has turned the attacks on our flanks and now I am confident he will succeed in an overwhelming envelopment of all the forces trying to destroy America. God bless and protect Donald Trump, and God Bless and protect America as we help Donald Trump make America great again. I leave you with one question. Are you willing to fight for America, your family, and/or yourself?

    Soldier/Cop, Retired

  5. Abby Reply

    If people want to contine their bizarre criticism of Mr . Trump, perhaps we should give then a ne-way ticket out of the US to whatever country they choose!!!

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