No COVID? No Problem! Dems Revive Basement Tactics for Biden – Unbelievable Details Inside!

In the upcoming presidential election, it appears the Democrats have resurrected a strategy from 2020 known as “Hide Biden.” Back then, the approach might have been somewhat justified by the COVID-19 pandemic, which restricted large public gatherings and normal campaign interactions. However, this time around, without the shield of a global health crisis, the reasons behind limiting President Joe Biden’s public exposure are becoming glaringly apparent and, to many, deeply concerning.

Biden’s Limited Campaign Exposure

Recent reports from various news outlets, including Fox News and NBC News, reveal a deliberate attempt by Biden’s campaign team to reduce his visibility. Sean Hannity of Fox News has pointedly criticized this approach, noting that Biden’s team seems determined to minimize his public appearances. This echoes a sentiment from the last election cycle, where Biden was rarely seen, leading to the nickname “Basement Biden.”

NBC News outlined a “less is more” strategy, where Biden’s campaign speeches are being significantly shortened and his public appearances are being carefully scripted and controlled. This tactic aims to minimize the risk of verbal gaffes, which have plagued Biden in the past. It’s suggested that his team prefers him in smaller, controlled settings rather than at large rallies, where the potential for mistakes increases.

Public Perception and Cognitive Concerns

There’s a growing perception that President Biden may not be cognitively equipped to handle the unscripted demands of presidency. His public addresses are notably shorter and seemingly more scripted than in previous campaigns. This strategy does not hide the fact that there’s a concerted effort to manage Biden’s image tightly to avoid any mishaps that could reveal deeper issues regarding his fitness for office.

The focus on scripted appearances and reliance on teleprompters, even during brief interactions, does little to assuage public concerns about Biden’s ability to engage freely and effectively without close oversight from his team.

Implications of a Second Biden Term

The implications of this tightly controlled campaign strategy extend beyond just the election cycle. There’s a genuine worry among critics and observers that, should Biden secure a second term, the real presidency might mirror the campaign’s highly managed approach. What happens if the demands of the presidency require swift, unscripted decision-making?

Further stoking fears is the possibility of Vice President Kamala Harris stepping up should Biden become unable to fulfill his duties. Critics express serious concerns about her readiness and capability to handle the presidency, considering her performance and public reception during her term as Vice President.

Final Thoughts

The Democrat strategy to shield Biden from extensive public scrutiny is now more transparent than ever. Without the backdrop of a pandemic, the justification for such a campaign approach seems to hinge solely on concerns about Biden’s cognitive capabilities and the potential for public gaffes that could sway voter opinion.

For many, the strategy is a stark reminder of the 2020 campaign, raising questions about the authenticity and transparency of Biden’s ability to lead. It’s unsettling to think that the presidency could be managed in the shadows, directed more by aides and handlers than the elected president himself.

As the campaign unfolds, it will be telling to see how the public reacts to this strategy once more, especially without the COVID-19 crisis to justify such a cautious approach. Will voters see through the facade, or will the “Hide Biden” strategy prove effective once again? For those watching, the answers to these questions are of paramount importance as they consider the future leadership of the country



  1. Avatar photoPatti Zelenack Reply

    What a blatant POS. Biden needs to go and allow our country to recover from all of his dirt and insane policies that benefit the elite.

  2. Avatar photodon Reply

    Democrats take notice: I read about a woman in Brazil who was arrested for bringing a corpse into a bank to sign a loan agreement. She actually thought no one would notice.

  3. Avatar photoSue Reply

    Put Biden in a round room and tell him there’s ice cream in the corner and come back in a week and ask him if was good.

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