WATCH! Trump Destroys Karen Bass Over Wildfire Cleanup Lies – The Scandal Runs Deep!

President Donald Trump didn’t hold back when he confronted Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass over the bureaucratic nightmare that’s keeping wildfire victims from reclaiming their properties. And let’s be honest, folks—Bass was caught red-handed, trying to weasel her way out of the truth with the same tired tactics the corrupt left always falls back on: deception, buzzwords, and bureaucratic red tape.

The 18-Month Permit Scam

Trump and the residents were told—plain and simple—that they’d have to wait a staggering 18 months just to get permits before they could even start clearing their burned-out lots. Let that sink in. These people have lost everything, and instead of cutting through the nonsense, Bass and her cronies are throwing up roadblocks at every turn.

But when Trump confronted Bass about this ridiculous timeline, she did what every shady politician does—she lied. Straight to Trump’s face, straight to the residents. She claimed they were “expediting” the process and would get things moving quickly. Spoiler alert: they’re not.

The “Hazardous Waste” Excuse

Bass and her commission are using all the usual buzzwords—”hazardous waste,” “safety concerns,” and “proper procedures”—to justify dragging their feet. It’s all bull**.** What’s really going on here? It’s a classic money grab.

California, under Governor Gavin “Newscum” Newsom, wants full control over the cleanup process so they can hire their own contractors, hand out lucrative deals to their buddies, and skim off the top while families sit and wait. This is corruption at its worst—playing politics and cashing in while people’s lives are in ruins.

Trump Calls It Like It Is

Trump, never one to mince words, called Bass out right then and there. “Why are these people being told they have to wait 18 months?” he asked, pushing Bass into an awkward, backpedaling scramble. She tried to say that things were moving quickly, but Trump wasn’t buying it—neither were the residents.

“People are willing to clean out their own debris,” Trump said. “They can get a dumpster and do it themselves.” And he’s right! Why force these people to sit around and wait while their lots sit empty and the bureaucrats collect fat checks?

The Real Agenda: Follow the Money

Let’s be clear—the left doesn’t care about wildfire victims. They care about lining their pockets and keeping their iron grip on power. The LA commissions aren’t holding things up to “protect” anyone. They’re doing it to make sure their friends get paid and the money flows exactly where they want it.

Trump suggested using emergency powers to get things moving immediately. Bass, of course, resisted, instead sticking to the same playbook of delay and deceit. “We need to be safe,” she said. Safe? The only danger here is what happens if these corrupt politicians stay in power.

The Bottom Line

Bass and Newsom shouldn’t just be voted out; they should be arrested. When you block people from rebuilding their lives for the sake of political favors and financial gain, that’s criminal. Californians deserve better than this disgusting display of corruption and incompetence.

Final Thoughts

The people of Los Angeles and across California need to wake up to the corruption staring them in the face. Trump’s right—stop waiting on the government to fix things, because they’re only interested in fixing their own bank accounts.



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  1. Reginald P Zenkewich Reply

    Yes, it is time to charge these elected criminals with their crimes and have them arrested and removed from their elected position a well as charges with the crime of sedition and /or treason against the citizens of this country and OUR CONSTITUTIONAL LAWS! ! ! ! ! !

  2. inyoface Reply

    Where the heck are they going to put the debris ? Can the landfill take it all ? Is the city going to upgrade infrastructure to meet demands of building and future requirement’s ? And where is the money coming from ? Divert from where ?

  3. Michael Reply

    These people voted for bass and the fire chief and they wanted both left. They were asked and more people wanted to keep these criminals and they even wanted to keep worthless new you get what you want. Personally, I think you should vote red start voting Republican get some common sense back into your State, my God. Get people in there that know that a man has a dick and a woman has a vagina that would be a good start

  4. Kevin McGinty Reply

    Bass sat there like a Chessire Cat, nodding like the proverbial bi-liken, trying to act as if she had all ready implemented Trump’s common sense suggestions, when in fact her previous gross incompetence, ignorance, and obvious detachment from her basic responsibilities, were the core components of this catastrophe. However, she succeeded in her personal DEI and Homosexual goals by appointing a Fire Chief and Assistant with a combined salary of more than a Million dollars annually to facilitate their equally, inherent incompetence . Perhaps that is a adequate starting point. Reduce the aforementioned duet to basic Fire Fighting roles and divert a major portion of those mis-directed salaries into clean up operations.

  5. LMB Reply


  6. Jack Lebo Reply

    This is an example of why millions of voters love him and why, unfortunately, millions of voters hate him. This is also why the Democrat party and what’s left (no pun intended) will use the next 4 years of election denial to kill, invalidate, or render ineffective Trump’s MAGA agenda, which was hugely supported by voters. Four years of successful MAGA actions will terminate the Liberal, Progressive, Democrat socialist movement.

  7. Stephen Tareila Reply

    Trump nailed it. He let Bass look real bad in her own backyard. All the debris an be hauled to a special place chosen by Newsome or trucked to federal land in Nevada desert. It will all be safe…Let the people fix their properties. Bravo Trump.

  8. Sue Reply

    These two incompetent assholes belong in jail for criminal neglect. They learned nothing from the major fires from Hawaii another democrat disaster. These officials need to be held responsible for there incompetence and corruption where is all the taxpayers money going. These people not only need to be fired but prosecuted for their actions in not protecting the public this is their responsibility and fault. Put them in prison for manslaughter they killed innocent people because of their incompetence.

  9. C.W. LAUDERDALE Reply

    Note: Looks like Donald Trump may be California’s last hope as well. Politicians, bureaucrats, academicians, and most media folks, suggest most of you best do your research and educate yourselves on the details of envelopment operations for that is what Donald is bringing to American government at every level (see message below). At least dig your foxholes deeper and add overhead cover. Have a nice day. Soldier/Cop, Retired


    America, we are once again on the path to make America great again. Why? Because over 75 million of us have re-elected the very first true ‘Battle Captain’ to ever serve as our President and Commander-in-Chief. Why do I say Donald Trump is our first true Battle Captain? Because, Donald Trump is the first president to regularly demonstrate that the ‘Seven C’s of Leadership’ are a part of his character. The ‘Seven C’s of Leadership’ listed in the order of their importance as determined in a 1980 survey of 1645 ground combat veterans are: CANDOR, COMPETENCE, COMMITMENT, CONSISTENCY, COURAGE, COMPASSION, and COURTESY.

    As one of the army officers charged with finding a true Battle Captain among all those army officers serving this nation from the Revolutionary War through the Vietnam Conflict, I can testify that we only found one officer who made the grade of ‘Battle Captain’. And, he like Donald Trump was not a professional soldier. A year before the Battle of Gettysburg he was a college professor, yet most historians credit him for saving the Union Forces left flank and forcing General Lee to commit his forces to a frontal attack which failed. The Battle of Gettysburg is generally credited as the turning point of the Civil War and lead to the surrender of the Confederate Forces two years later.

    Donald Trump has proven that he is indeed a Battle Captain. He has turned the attacks on our flanks and now I am confident he will succeed in an overwhelming envelopment of all the forces trying to destroy America. God bless and protect Donald Trump, and God Bless and protect America as we help Donald Trump make America great again. I leave you with one question. Are you willing to fight for America, your family, and/or yourself?

    Soldier/Cop, Retired

  10. Mary Reply

    Watched that press conference and loved what he said to Bass. He told it like it is, no beating around a bush. I also liked the man who said that his state set aside 50 M just to fight against Trumps policies starting with protecting illegals being deported. This state wastes money on nonsence. They fiddled while it burned. Now there is nothing left to stop the mudslides that will start this week. So Gavin how many more homes and lives have to suffer with mudslides.

  11. Sue Reply

    Let California democrats dig themselves out of their own failures their incompetence caused these disasters. Let them explain to the California taxpayers why the let this happen and where is all our tax money gone to. This is not the federal governments problem to bail out incompetent politicians who are in over their heads. The people of California keeping voting for asshole democrats full of corruption you made your own bed now you people deal with it. This isn’t like a hurricane which you can’t predict when and where it’s going to happen.
    Would have learned after what happened in Hawaii with that brush fire.
    Democrats are completely incompetent and stupid same old timers still making dumb decisions over and over again. This should not be a federal government bailout for their own incompetence

  12. earl Reply

    shouldn’t be any dam permit to clean your lot thats what its all about rob the people who lost everything let un clean there lots and stay the hell out of there way when they start building have an inspector in the neighborhood so he can inspect not to hold the people up stop the bull shit

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