Whoopi Claims No Anti-White Bias Exists, Are Millions of Americans Wrong? [Video]

In a recent episode of The View, co-host Whoopi Goldberg vehemently denied the existence of anti-white sentiment in America, reacting to a statement attributed to former President Donald Trump. Goldberg’s stance is not only misleading but also overlooks substantial evidence suggesting a growing bias against white Americans in certain media and cultural discussions. This article dives into the claims made on the show, contrasting them with facts and broader context to highlight the discrepancies and biases present in such televised discussions.

Whoopi Goldberg and her co-hosts on The View have long been recognized for their outspoken liberal perspectives, often engaging in heated debates over race and politics. In a recent segment, Goldberg reacted to a comment about anti-white sentiment, calling the idea ridiculous and baseless. However, a deeper look into mainstream media narratives and academic discourse suggests that dismissing the notion outright might be an oversimplification of a more complex issue.

One of the key points frequently raised on The View involves the threat of white supremacy, with hosts referencing FBI Director Christopher Wray’s ludicrous statement that white supremacy poses a significant domestic threat. While it is important to address and mitigate threats of violence from any extremist group, the portrayal on The View often extends this to imply a broader anti-white bias. The program’s narrative tends to paint a picture where white Americans are frequently seen as the root of societal problems.

For example, discussions on the show often focus on systemic racism and historical grievances, which are valid and necessary topics because they are a part of our history. However, the framing sometimes shifts towards blaming contemporary white individuals as inherently privileged or even oppressors, based solely on their race. This generalized blame does not foster constructive dialogue but rather widens the racial divide.

Moreover, the show has hosted segments where white guests or co-hosts are disparaged or mocked for their perspectives, especially if they attempt to offer a different viewpoint on racism or social justice. This approach not only stifles meaningful conversation but also perpetuates a one-sided narrative that can contribute to the very sentiment Goldberg denies.

Evidence of Media Bias

The bias is not confined to The View. Many media outlets and academic institutions push a narrative that emphasizes white guilt and racial resentment. Publications and seminars focusing on “white privilege” and “critical race theory” often suggest that white individuals, by virtue of their race, are part of the problem, regardless of their personal actions or beliefs. This relentless focus can be seen as contributing to an anti-white sentiment, creating an environment where individuals feel targeted for their racial background.

Community Reactions and Impact

The constant portrayal of white Americans as the primary source of racial problems can have real consequences. It affects how communities interact, how politics are discussed, and how policies are shaped. By promoting a narrative that singles out one racial group, shows like The View risk alienating viewers and ignoring the broader principles of equality and individual responsibility.

Many viewers and critics of The View have expressed frustration with the show’s approach to these discussions. Social media and viewer feedback suggest that while the audience appreciates discussions on important issues, there is a growing concern that the show’s biases are polarizing and do not represent the nuanced views of the broader public.

Final Thoughts

While Whoopi Goldberg and her co-hosts may believe they are advocating for justice and equality, their approach often dismisses legitimate concerns about anti-white sentiment as mere fantasy. This denial does not erase the experiences of those who feel marginalized or demonized because of their race. As a society, we must strive for a balanced and inclusive conversation that acknowledges the complexities of racism without resorting to blanket accusations or reverse discrimination. The View could play a significant role in this, but first, it must recognize the biases within its own narratives.



  1. Avatar photoCrotte Reply

    What is amazing is that the imbeciles keep putting this dip-shit on the news. Then think about the people that watch this crap!!!!!!

  2. Avatar photodon Reply

    The mental acuity displayed on the view is far below Sesame Street. I can’t imagine that they are even given air time. I guess Soros doesn’t watch them either, but funds them. Not a normal brain in the room.

  3. Avatar photoPackrat Reply

    A look at some job posting will disprove Goldberg’s narrative. They often state that priority will be given to applicants from certain disadvantaged backgrounds.

  4. Avatar photoRon Reply

    More blacks hate whites than whites hate blacks. FACT the media even plays race baiter!!! You never hear if a suspect is black but they make it a point to say white man kills blah blah. Or white man beats black man but reverse it and it’s suspect beats MAN, the colors are left out. And it’s always a hate crime when it’s white on black but never when it’s black on white. Just tell the truth stop with the race card all the time!!! Media is the problem they won’t let it die the death it needs!!!

  5. Avatar photoJager GEHRING Reply

    Every time someone is hired or not hired because of their skin color I could call that a bias.
    Brandon hired mamala not because she was qualified but for the color of her skin.

  6. Avatar photoconnie eley Reply

    Whoopi Goldberg is a fool. She has proved that time and time again on the View. If you review her episodes she can see just how under educated this person really and she does not try to correct or improve herself at. She should have stuck to strictly acting.

  7. Avatar photoNelson Reply

    My girlfriend Says these women are freaking nuts they’re stupid idiot liars Lot of friends say the same thing These broads These broads are nuts and should be committed and arrested

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