Far-Left Bishop Turns Prayer Service into Anti-Trump Rant!

Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve reached a new level of absurdity. Just when you thought the left couldn’t get any more shameless, they send in their top-tier activist disguised as a bishop to hijack a National Prayer Service—yes, you heard that right, a PRAYER service—and turn it into a leftist political rally. Enter Mariann Budde, the so-called Episcopal Bishop of Washington, who decided this was the perfect time to unleash a sermon packed with woke nonsense and Trump-bashing.

Now, Bishop Budde isn’t just your run-of-the-mill radical leftist; she’s a seasoned Trump hater with a history of making headlines for all the wrong reasons. Remember when Trump held up a Bible outside an Episcopal church back in 2020? Budde practically had a meltdown, calling it “antithetical to the teachings of Jesus.” Well, apparently, Budde thinks the teachings of Jesus include preaching open borders and transgender ideology in a house of worship. Who knew?

This Isn’t a Political Rally, Lady

Trump showed up at the National Prayer Service, hoping to hear something uplifting, maybe even some actual prayers. Instead, he got a sanctimonious lecture on how he needs to have “mercy” on illegal immigrants and transgender children. According to Budde, the people picking our crops and cleaning our offices are somehow all undocumented, and we should just look the other way because “they’re not criminals.” Excuse me? What part of breaking federal law doesn’t qualify as a crime in her book?

And let’s not even get started on the whole transgender children bit. The left loves to pretend this is a massive issue sweeping the nation, but here’s a little reality check: kids struggling with identity issues don’t need radical activists pushing an agenda—they need therapy, support, and common sense. Instead, Budde and her ilk are more interested in pushing their woke fantasy world where biology is optional, and anyone who disagrees is a bigot.

Seriously, These Comments Are Racist

Let’s take a moment to address how blatantly racist Budde’s comments actually were. According to her, illegal immigrants exist solely to do menial labor—pick crops, wash dishes, and clean buildings. Wow. Imagine if a conservative had said that! The media would be frothing at the mouth calling for their head. But because it’s a woke bishop spewing this nonsense, it’s somehow considered “compassionate.” Sorry, but no amount of self-righteous virtue signaling can cover up that level of condescension.

Time to Revoke That Tax-Exempt Status

If Budde and her church want to wade into political activism, fine—but let’s see them pay taxes like the rest of us. It’s absolutely ridiculous that churches pulling stunts like this get to hide behind their tax-exempt status while acting as extensions of the Democratic Party. Want to lecture the President? Fine. But be ready to open those church coffers to Uncle Sam.

Trump’s Reaction Was Priceless

And let’s not forget Trump’s classic reaction to Budde’s woke sermon. Sitting stone-faced, probably wondering why he had to sit through this nonsense, the former president gave her the kind of glare that says, “Lady, wrap it up.” Later, he took to Truth Social and called her out for what she really is: a “radical left hardline Trump hater” who has no business politicizing a national prayer service. And honestly? He’s right.

Final Thoughts

The bottom line? Budde’s sermon was an embarrassment. She turned a sacred event into a woke circus, pushed divisive talking points, and insulted millions of Americans in the process. If she wants to peddle this nonsense, maybe MSNBC has a slot open for her next rant. But keep it out of the church.






  1. Dilligaff Jones Reply

    Political commentary from the pulpit. If she were not a leftist bitchop, her church would no longer be tax exempt.

  2. Eugenia O. Heist Reply

    Never in my 83 years have I been so embarrassed and ashamed of the Episcopal Church. You can bet your sweet bippy any money I have left when I die will NOT go to the church any longer. Her activism is what turns young and old away from the Church. SHAME on you,, Bishop Budde and SHAME on the Washington, DC Diocese for allowing this.

  3. Joe Becker Reply

    It is Important, and should be fully documented, the personal Actions and Public Protest that Bishop Mariann Bunne took in 2020, when President Trump 45 went to the public Park in front of the ‘boarded-up’ Episcopal Church (across from the White House).

  4. Sasha Reply

    There is no shortage of pastors, who can conduct a prayer service. Pastor Mark Burns for one. insisting that people obey the laws of the United States of America, is neither hateful, nor uncompassionate. Who prefers a President, who breaches an oath, sworn on the Bible ?

  5. Swave n deBoner Reply

    The Bible say that, during the End Times, there will be many who profess to be a servant of God who are actually working for the other guy. I believe this church “bishop” may be one of the latter & not the former.

  6. Mike Reply

    It is sad to see all these worshipers become queer and want to get the corn.Hoe colonel corn turned in to prim of corn, homosexuals and Catholics.And communist democrats and child molesters are basically all the same thing

  7. Rae Furtado Reply

    Whatever happen to “separation of church & state” ??
    State stays of of church and church stays out of state! Easy, peasy.

  8. Mary S. Utley Reply

    Once upon a time, I supported the National Cathedral with my donations and my prayers. That was along time ago. How dare a Bishop, speak to my President in such a manner. Does she not read her Bible? The Head of Her Church, and every Church, preached the lesson of non-involvement in political occasions, and instead to be faithful to the Church. I do not feel at home in the Episcopal Church any more.

  9. StealthFighter Reply

    A (so-called) “BISHOP” that supports LGBTQ??? I don’t believe that GOD supports her!!! Did she ever read about the 2 cities that HE DESTROYED because of what they were doing there??? SODOM & GOMORRAH???? She’s no christian!!!

  10. Roxanna Reply

    This was not a prayer service by any stretch of the imagination. Church and state are separate, and if she is unable to separate the two, then perhaps she should look at a different line of work. I would be very embarrassed if I were a member of her church. I would not take anything she has to say seriously as she is a leftist wing nut.

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