In one of the most dramatic downfalls in modern conservative politics, Liz Cheney has morphed from a respected Republican to a despised, bitter figure who has lost touch with the party’s core principles. Her relentless vendetta against Donald Trump, fueled by the mainstream media’s anti-Trump narrative, has not only cost her political career but also obliterated any credibility she once had within conservative circles. Cheney’s obsession with attacking Trump has clouded her objectivity, turning her into a puppet of the left-wing media machine.
Her career implosion is a clear example of what happens when personal hatred overrides reason and loyalty to conservative values.

How It All Began: Cheney’s Break with Trump
Liz Cheney was once a powerful voice in the Republican Party. She held strong, conservative views, especially on foreign policy, national defense, and fiscal responsibility. In fact, her alignment with these values is what initially earned her respect among conservatives.
But everything changed after the 2020 election and the events of January 6th. Cheney latched onto the media’s characterization of Trump as an instigator of violence and a threat to democracy. Instead of standing up for constitutional due process, she bought into the narrative that Trump was personally responsible for the Capitol riots, despite the fact that he urged the crowd to remain peaceful.
This break with Trump didn’t stop there. Cheney went on a rampage, accusing him of attempting to violently overthrow the election, all while ignoring the fact that Trump’s legal team pursued constitutionally protected avenues to challenge the results. Let’s be clear—Trump never encouraged violence, and the legal processes were entirely within the framework of our democratic system.
A Total Disconnect from Conservative Values
Cheney’s hatred for Trump has driven her to side with Democrats and the mainstream media, abandoning the very conservative principles she once championed. Her blind allegiance to this anti-Trump crusade shows just how disconnected she’s become from reality.
For years, Cheney stood for the importance of strong borders, a robust military, limited government, and individual freedoms. But now? She’s cozying up to people who despise everything conservatives believe in, all because of her personal vendetta against Trump. The Liz Cheney we see today is no longer a defender of conservative values. She’s an agent of the very forces that seek to tear down everything conservatives stand for.
In her recent interview with ABC, Cheney claimed that Ronald Reagan would support Kamala Harris. Reagan, the man who stood for limited government and conservative ideals, supposedly backing someone who advocates for socialist policies? This is beyond absurd! It’s a pathetic attempt to rewrite history and paint herself as some moral compass while trashing the values she once held dear.
Ruining Her Legacy: Cheney’s Alignment with the Radical Left
It’s no secret that Liz Cheney’s actions have permanently tarnished her political legacy. Cheney, once a rising star in the Republican Party, has now aligned herself with the radical left, openly endorsing Kamala Harris and Tim Walz for president and vice president. This endorsement is the final nail in the coffin of her once-promising career.
Let’s not forget: Dick Cheney, her father, was one of the architects of the Iraq War. Now, he too is endorsing the Harris-Walz ticket. The irony is palpable. The man who led a war in defense of American interests is now backing candidates who represent policies that would erode American strength, weaken our economy, and bow to globalist pressures.
Cheney’s blind hatred for Trump has driven her to betray everything her family once stood for. And for what? A pat on the back from the mainstream media and the left-wing elites who will discard her the moment she’s no longer useful to their narrative.
The January 6th Obsession: Cheney’s Delusional Narrative
The January 6th Capitol riot has become Cheney’s rallying cry against Trump. She has repeatedly claimed that Trump represents an existential threat to the republic, and that his actions on that day were an attempt to “seize power” violently. But let’s break this down.
The media, and Cheney herself, have conveniently ignored the fact that Trump told the crowd to remain peaceful. The violent actions of a few individuals do not represent the vast majority of Trump supporters, who were peacefully protesting what they believed to be a fraudulent election. Cheney’s refusal to acknowledge this, and her insistence on painting all Trump supporters as violent insurrectionists, is not only dishonest but downright disgraceful.
By clinging to this narrative, Cheney has completely alienated herself from the Republican base. Polls consistently show that Trump retains overwhelming support among conservatives, despite Cheney’s delusional claims. In her ABC interview, she actually urged Republicans to vote for Kamala Harris! That’s right—the same Kamala Harris who supports defunding the police, open borders, and disastrous economic policies. If Cheney believes this is the way to preserve conservative values, she’s more out of touch than anyone could have imagined.
Why Liz Cheney’s Hatred Has Blinded Her
It’s one thing to disagree with Trump. It’s another to allow that disagreement to fuel an unhinged obsession that destroys your credibility and career. Cheney’s hatred for Trump has turned her into a caricature—someone who is no longer seen as a serious voice in conservative politics but rather as a tool of the left.
What’s sad is that deep down, I believe Cheney regrets the path she’s taken. She’s isolated herself from the party that once supported her and thrown away a promising career, all because she allowed her emotions to cloud her judgment. But don’t expect her to admit it. Like most people who’ve doubled down on a bad decision, Cheney will never own up to the fact that her hatred for Trump has been her undoing.
Instead, she’ll continue to play the victim, pretending she’s standing up for democracy, when in reality, she’s sold out her conservative values for fleeting media approval.
Final Thoughts
Liz Cheney’s descent into Trump Derangement Syndrome is a cautionary tale for anyone who allows personal vendettas to override rational thought and loyalty to conservative values. She’s destroyed her career, alienated the Republican base, and turned herself into a laughing stock. Her blind hatred for Trump has led her to abandon everything she once stood for, and in doing so, she’s become a pawn of the radical left.
Cheney’s refusal to see the truth and her embrace of the anti-Trump narrative has left her as a bitter, angry, and irrelevant figure in modern politics. Her downfall is her own doing, and she’ll have to live with the consequences of her misguided obsession for the rest of her life.
Who does Liz Cheney think she is putting her beliefs in the thoughts of a deceased person. She needs therapy and think she is the lowest form of life. She is a bottom sucker and a traitor to our Constitution not a protector.
Very good observation, Tumbleweed. Cheney, both of them, are traitors to the Republic of the United States of America and to We the People.
Liz and her father have lost all credibility as far as i am concerned because Ronald Reagan would never in a million years support a Co0mmunist Kook like Kamala Harris and her equally Kooky Communist running Mate.
I never supported her or her dad . she is not at all special .
Liz at one time wasn’t bad looking but her demeanor has distorted her looks to where she is close to being an ugly hag.
Narcissistic and self absorbed people acts exactly like what this woman does. They need attention, and projects themselves as someone to be admired, adored and respected. No one can change their mind even if they themselves know what they are doing is wrong. It has to come from within them and some personal crisis can wake them up. You just have to pray for people like that, that the Holy Spirit will bless them with wisdom & humility.
At least the voters of Wyoming had sense enough to vote her out of office!
My brother lives near her in Wilson, Wyoming. Her house is NOT very nice and no one cares for her either.
Screw them both.
I’m sorry, but you have conveniently left out the fact that it is not just Liz Cheney who has abandoned their moral compass. J6 was crafted and executed by a justice and lawfare system composed of individuals who have also lost their moral compass for the reward of momentary power and self advancement. The infiltration of the MAGA crowd, urging them to penetrate the capitol, urging violence and destruction, was not normal conservative behavior. It was an instigation to create a final narrative to destroy a president, ending his effort to realize the fulfillment of promises made. Cheney is just one piece of the excrement trail from a beast within the system of our government that has had a steady diet of too much power and wealth, and cannot give it up. It is a horrifying mess, but not beyond repair.
Yes, there may have been others like you say “abandoned their moral compass” but I don’t think they ever had a “moral compass” to start with. RINOs have no morals that I have ever noticed or seen in action. They are the anti-God, pro-Palestinian, anti-God’s Chosen People the Jews and Israel, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, pro-illegal immigration with Lizzy Lezzy the head lesbian. She is a groomer for young girls. DICK Cheney raised her as lezzie and won’t admit. Instead he made millions of dollars working for Haliburton and loving every war he could America involved in to kill as many Amerian young men as he could. To me, he is the Devil Incarnate.
True True and True!
????? Really
Disgusting to think this corrupt, hate filled woman could reach the 3rd highest spot in the Republican Party and then support the evil Democrat party. What a way to say thank you to all those who supported her and her daddy thru the years. Hate is very destructive to one’s judgement.
Lizzy Cheney took an axe and gave her career forty whacks, when that was job was nicely she shot her mouth off forty one 🤬
Reagan, along with hundreds of thousands of dead people probably will vote for Camel-a.
Just go away lady. Your endorsement doesn’t matter to anyone except yourself.
Perfect response Robert, you are a good American Patriot. The Marxist Media keeps morons like her in the news, like her opinion matters.
She is every bit the phony her war loving father was, so glad she is toast banished to Wyoming to shovel horse and cow shit.
Yes, this includes both Trump and Reagan, albeit less so than others.
For evidence, see blog article “Right, Left, and Center: Who Gets to Decide?” at bible versus constitution dot org. Search title on our Blog.
To take the quote from Reagan to Jimmy Carter in the October 1980 debate and apply it to Liz; “There you go again.”
Lizzy (More morally known as Lezzy) Cheezy has been a standard bearer for biblically immoral women for years, but since 2020 jumped the cane and now is the obscene poster child for closeted satanically inspired communist socialist globalist CFR One World Government and Church lovers. Her dad Dick raised a lezzy and she became that and a nazi. She should leave the US, and find a new gal, and start a war in a jungle where she will be happy. Daddy needs to be ashamed of himself, but he lives well on the millions he made while drumming for more Halburtin wars to feed his fat face and body. They both will face Judgment Day with dirt on the account. Pay Day is sooner than they think.
Where is my comment? The leftwing editors must have removed it since this site is a front subsidized for by Soros.
Hi Rocky: your first comment must be approved – so now on your comments will be shown. I have to filter out spam comments. These are people who are looking for backlinks and try to sell scammy services on the back of my traffic. We may be alot of things as Steadfastandloyal – left wing is NOT one of them..
I think Rocky may be over the edge, Jimmy. Too bad for him.
“Left wing editors?! Maybe, usually.
What I see in THESE comments are about as right (and mostly correct) as you could go, semi-politely.
I don’t think a Marxist Karen would last one verbal volley, here.
Peace, Love and Happiness
Methinks so-called “Steadfast and Loyal” implies to truth and honesty, but it is the Soros front to be steadfast and loyal to the mind controllers who run this rag. See if they censor this.
They took two posts down. What a bunch of leftwing socialist communist liberal scum obviously run this rag. Fortunately they will answer to a Holy and Righteous God when they due. No Rapture for them. Evil prevails on S&L. Even the initials they’ve gone by stands for something less.
Jimmy Boy. You can lie all you want. You love Soros Green and yes that was a play on Soylent Green. May God bring you to personal salvation before you die. Good Christians will be warned of your site.
Reagan would vote for the Marxist Democrat party right after he would poke both eyes out with a sharp stick. I knew Reagan. Obviously, Lizzy did not.
Sorry for Liz and her father as well…It must really hurt to be such a loser.I’m sure her father is only trying to support her irrational thinking.
I for one am very happy that she lost if that is the kind of person she seems to be.What a sorry mess.
“Folks, may an old, simple, minded cop ask you a question? What will it take for you to stand up and take back those rights given to you by God and promised to be respected/protected by our founding fathers when they drafted the Constitution?
In light of all the activities of the oligarchy, the elites, the establishment, the progressives, the democrats, the swamp, the media, academia, etc., etc., etc. seemingly bent on destroying everything we cops and soldiers ‘supposedly’ have spent/are spending our careers and in far too many cases our lives defending, I am just asking where most Americans stand in regards to their country and their roles/rights as citizens.
Seems the arrival of Donald J. Trump followed by Biden’s theft of the Presidency has stripped us all naked to expose not only the sores on our bodies, but those on our souls as well!
The lessons learned I am passing on to you may give you a glimpse into the inner world of a government that devotes most of its time/energy ruling you versus serving/protecting you from the vantage point of one who served in government from the municipal through the federal level as a soldier and cop. See if you can determine which of the lessons learned presented below were pre-Trump versus post-Trump?
Most of the lessons learned were originally drafted in the late eighties as the prelude to a book titled: ‘Rape, Pillage, Plunder; America, You’ve Been Had!’ The Department of Defense denied permission to publish the book in that they classified an investigation detailed therein that named a gaggle of politicians and bureaucrats at every level of government as subjects. Three of those subjects went on to be elected to the office of President of the United States of America!
These are some of the lessons learned I acquired over a 35 year plus career as a soldier and cop. There are several others that I cannot release without a note from your doctor stating that you can handle highly stressful information.
* The Seven C’s of Leadership according to a survey of Vietnam era ground combat veterans listed of the order of their importance to the veterans are; Candor, Competence, Consistency, Commitment, Courage, Compassion, and Courtesy. The reason the veterans chose “candor” is because candor encompasses both omission and co-mission. To a combat veteran the lack of absolute candor, be it co-mission or omission, are equal sins! It has been my observation that, democrats are masters of co-mission while republicans are masters of omission!
*The American people are the most effectively lied to people in modern times thanks primarily to the political class, the bureaucracy, the media, and academia.
*The greatest threats to the American people are the corrupt and/or incompetent politicians/bureaucrats/academicians found at every level of government/academia, and the majority of the so-called media.
*Most of the politicians/bureaucrats/academicians/media types I have encountered during my years as a soldier and a cop I most kindly refer to as; self-serving, witless, cowards. Prior to retiring to the deep woods I referred to most of the before mentioned folks as self-serving, witless, cowardly, piss-ants. After a short time in the woods I came to know that piss-ants are neither self-serving nor witless, and certainly not cowards!
*The American Profession of Arms and our brothers/sisters in blue have failed to protect the American people from all of their enemies, both foreign and ‘most especially’ domestic.
*Soldiers (most especially ground combat soldiers) do not fight first and foremost for their country, the flag, motherhood, girls back home, nor apple pie. Before all else, soldiers engaged in ground combat fight for their fellow soldiers and their unit. Why? Because in every war/police action/whatever in the twentieth century and thus far in the twenty-first, the strategies/tactics adopted by mostly incompetent/corrupt military and civilian managers (notice, I said managers not leaders) were/are designed to benefit the military/industrial/political complex with only secondary consideration for those personnel charged with employing the same. In short, the American soldier has been a mercenary throughout most of our history and were officially branded the same in 1969 with the creation of the “All Volunteer Army (VOLAR)”.
*There are only two primary requirements to be a career soldier and/or cop in America. One must be smart enough to do the work and dumb enough to take the job.
*American soldiers and police officers must in addition to mastering all of their professionally mandated tasks learn to accomplish the same with at least one arm tied behind their backs, and their vision and hearing impaired 50% or more.
*After carefully watching the whole of the political class for many years I can say without reservation that most of the group will sell their souls and our bodies just to remain in power.
*Want to see what the United States of America will look like if the left takes total control of the government? Take your pick, New York City, Baltimore, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Oakland, Portland, or the complete packages; California, New York, Illinois, etc, etc, etc…..!
*If the so-called ‘progressive movement’ continues unchecked a number of able veterans/soldiers/cops are going to be presented with a challenge/decision. Are the American people worth another drop of our sweat and/or our blood?
*The end goal of the elites and their minions is not (nor ever has been) socialism, communism, fascism, or capitalism. The elites of the world and their minions have used all manner of ideologies, religions, terrorism, wars, etc., to drive the masses/peasants/serfs/whoever/whomever/whatever in one direction. That direction leads to one of the oldest forms of human control ever employed in the history of mankind. That form of human control is Feudalism!
*Arrogance coupled with ignorance equals stupidity.
Have a nice day,
Well Said Amigo!!-Just How Many Americans Can Actually Read And Understand Direction??-Hence The Sheeples!! The Ones That Are Singled Out And Manipulated Like Lost Children!-Hence The Reason The Criminals Go After The Younger Generation-The Future of Smart America??-Should Be a No Brainer!-Save The Country Or Watch It Burn And Spend Your Life in a FEMA Camp!-Miles Of Black Coffins That Can Hold a Family Of 4!-Its Been Planned For Decades!-Trump Is The Last Chance And If The Scum Take Him Out?-Take Great Care And Stay Safe!!
Thank you, very well presented. I considered joining the army when I was 18, but ultimately I was smart enough to do the work and smart enough not to take the job. 😉 Actually an Aunt who had served in Vietnam era(not in ‘Nam) told me that unless I really wanted to be in the military I shouldn’t because you meet some pretty bad people within the ranks. Probably more true in her time, given that some young men were given the choice of prison or military. When I came of age, I don’t think judges were generally doing that any longer.
War monger Cheneys are OWNED by their synagogue of satan handlers. Sold their vile souls for shekels to the Zionist cabal!
This Criminal Will Be Receiving an Indictment For Its Treasonous Roll In The J6 Charade!!-Destroying Evidence That Would Have Exonerated Trump and ALL The Other Illegally Held Hostages Incarcerated Across The Country!!-A Public Hanging Would Be Its ONLY Claim To Fame!!
I think I just felt Ronald Reagan turn over in his grave at her suggestion that he would support “Camel-toe-the-hoe”.
repeatedly rolled over. Thanks for the comment
What a bitter loser. Why would I listen to her when her own State rejected her? There’s an old saying that if someone calls you a Jackazz you ignore them. If two people call you one, it’s time to buy a saddle. Well Liz, it’s saddle time and the only people that want to hear you talk are the Democrats. You’re dead to the Republican Party.
A slimy, disgusting pos like Cheney has no right speaking for Reagan. He wouldn’t have even considered voting for Harris. Little Dick’s daughter has lost any objectivity she had. Hate is a destructive emotion.
Will someone, PLEASE, stick this nasty little communist-loving witch on the next spaceship to Mars AND LEAVE HER THERE!!
PS -Please, send commie pelosi, the harris kamel, et. al. along with her. In fact, load up ALL the anti-American ingrates and Hamas terrorist supporters and send them along, too.
President Reagan would send this cow grazing. In Afghanistan.
Yes he would. Did you see the movie “Reagan” Great flick, I highly recommend it
This woman and her father are both delusional and very anti-American elitists who made their money misrepresenting American people in their area.
Liiz Cheney and her father have no love for America. They are the opposite of what a patriarch should be. In fact, if they think Ronald Reagan would actually cast a vote for Kamala Harris, they never knew him. Trump derangement syndrome has turned them into foolish woke politicians.
Reagan would never support a socialist like Harris. She is an uniformed, do-nothing, unintelligent candidate. Reagan never, ever supports her.
Sorry, Liz. Reagan would never have supported Harris. Reagan was a man of common sense. He knew what a Marxist communist was, and he did not want to have anything to do with them.
I believe Reagen made a statement about not saying bad things about fellow Republicans.
Lezzy Lizzy and fairy Dicky were NEVER TRUE REPULBICANS. They both are One World Government, Council of Foreign Affairs, pro-Palestinian, anti-Jew, Liberal, Left-Wing Marxists Democraps. They cannot be considered RINOs because at least those are usually for limited government. Lizzy and Dick wanted more and more bigger and bigger to cover themselves. They are Democraps and nothing more. She is a lesbian and he is a homosexual. The only Cheney that had any redeeming value was Mrs. Cheney who was a fine Christian lady. I can understand how she ever put up with those two anti-family values urchins. She even would have had Biblical basis for divorce, which is infidelity of her partner, but she stayed with them. Fortunately, she will receive a crown of jewels in heaven. They won’t even come close.
Lizzy’s statement is one of the most delusional I have ever heard.
Cheney is exactly the NWO, ‘disinformation’-censoring, Impeachment evidence destroying Marxist that Reagan warned us about.
Liz Cheney is a looney! Ronald Reagan would never support the election of Kamala Harris. Infact he wouldn’t even support Liz Cheney. Can you think of anything that Lying Liz Cheney has done that is worthy of recognition? All Cheney stands for in hatred for Donald Trump. She’s a lying looney!
Cheney destroyed her own political career because of her hate…her and Crybaby Kitzinger…two peas in a pod. Good for nothings…RINO TRAITORS. She may not know it but Americans wouldn’t give her the time of day. Good riddence to the both of you.
Never go hunting with a Cheney.
You hit the nail on the head!
Time for Luz Cheney to go away permanently!
As people are really getting tired listening to her crap!
Sorry, Liz, Reagon would not have supported Harris nor the Dems and would have laughed in your face. You want to sound critical; well, guess what, you don’t.
If you remotly love America you would stop trying to destroy it.
Stop being a Benedict Arnold.
I think the people in Wyoming said it all in Cheney’s last election!!!!!
Reagan backed the NWO, so I imagine he WOULD back a RINO warmonger.
I don’t even knjow how I ended up here, buut I thkught this
popst wass good. I don’t know who you are bbut deffinitely
you’re going tto a famous bloigger iff yyou aren’t already 😉 Cheers!
Oh Liz what have you done? There was a time you were actually liked and might have even had a chance to become the very 1st Female President. Then you got hit in the head or threatened with being Ckintonsided and Wham you went Total Bat Shit Crazy. President Ronald Reagan would not only Dislike what you did and are doing he would have Thrown you out of his Office, Life and Out of the Republican Party. Your picture should now HANG directly under Benedict Aronald’s as your just like him a “TRAITOR”!! Do you honestly think we Americans are that Stupid that those who were in DC and Everyone watching or listening to President Trump’s January 6th Speech somehow didn’t her him say to March Peacefully, Respect the Orders of the Police and don’t destroy or Damage anything? Do you think we haven’t heard that Nancy and the DC Mayor refused President Trump’s 6 requests for the National Guard? Nancy not only Laughed she was so sure of Trouble she Hired Her own Daughter and son in law to be the only Video Team allowed inside the Capitol that day and with a 6 person Capitol Police Escort no less. We all know the FBI had over 1000 Undercover Agents spread throughout that crowd. We also know that at least 6 Bus Loads of ANTIFA were givin a Police Escort down 95 South by the Baltimore City and Maryland State Police onto the Capitol grounds and around back into the Secured back parking lot at the Capitol. We also know that Everything remained Peaceful until the Order was givin by someone allowing the Capitol Police to start throwing Flash Bangs into the crowd and shooting into the crowd with Rubber Bullets and using Pepper Spray to Incite the Peaceful Crowd. We also know that the only way a Magnetically Locked Doir can be opened is by using a Employee card or by using the correct Password or the Capitol Police Officer in the Control Room uses the Computer Override to open those Locked Doors. Funny how they only allowed the People to see 2 hours of over 14 thousand hours of Capitol Video. Funny how they used select Cuts of President Trump’s speech leaving out the Peaceful and Obay parts. The January 6th Committee was and is a Joke where the Traitors of this Country Lied to the American People and the Entire World about what really happened. Meanwhile not 1 person involved in the Summer of Floyd Riots remain in Jail or have been sent to Prison. 60 Police Officers were Killed,250 Police Officers Injured Cities Burned, Businesses Looted and Billions in Damages and Biden and Harris sent Bail money. In 1 Liberal Western City they set a Police Station on Fire hoping to Burn those Officers Alive. Liz you had everything but because you’re Daddy didn’t like Trump you allowed his Hate to fester inside of you. May you Rot in a Federal Prison until you pass from this Life right into the Flames of HELL where you actually belong
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This lying no good piece of shit bitch is out of her mind President Reagan would have never went with Harris So it is just one more thing this stupid idiot spews out She is trying to make a case for herself by making this outlandish statement She is done so she will have to be like Hillary to sit back and criticize because they are so fucked up that that is all they can do Liz Cheney should be locked up but Biden gave her and the rest of J6 liars and out with a pardon So we already know it was criminal and so the entire committee should be labeled as criminals
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