If you’ve ever stared at the night sky and thought, “What does this have to do with politics?”—well, you’re not alone. Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential candidate, seems to believe that stars and constellations somehow explain crime in American cities. Yes, you read that right. In her latest interview, Harris took us all on a cosmic journey with a word salad so baffling that even seasoned political watchers were left scratching their heads. It’s as if she’s trying to outdo herself with each public appearance, and let me tell you, she’s winning that race.

But let’s break this down, shall we?
The Starry Word Salad
In an interview with Roland Martin, Harris was asked about Donald Trump’s focus on crime in cities with significant Black populations. Now, a straightforward answer would have been too easy, right? Instead, Harris served up a galactic metaphor, saying, “If you just look at where the stars are in the sky… look at the constellation—what does it show you?”
Well, Kamala, it shows us that you’re really out there—literally and figuratively. What exactly are we supposed to gather from this stellar analogy? That Trump is arranging the stars to somehow commit political astrology? The only constellation I’m seeing here is the one where voters are left wondering how someone so unclear could possibly be considered for the highest office in the land.
Galileo Harris: A Master of Distraction
The media has wasted no time dubbing her “Galileo Harris” for this out-of-this-world comparison, and honestly, it’s a fitting title. Instead of addressing real issues like crime, inflation, or her abysmal poll numbers, she’s got her head in the clouds—literally. But here’s the thing: for someone who chairs the National Space Council, maybe it makes sense. Who else would compare crime rates to star patterns?
Let’s face it: Harris’s go-to move is to dodge tough questions by speaking in cryptic metaphors that leave everyone confused. Her “constellation” comment is just the latest in a long list of bizarre word salads. The problem is, while she’s up there in the stars, the rest of us are dealing with skyrocketing crime rates in cities like Chicago, Detroit, and Baltimore.
Trump, Crime, and Reality
Now, compare this to Trump, who says exactly what’s on his mind—whether you like it or not. He recently remarked that if Harris becomes president, the whole country could end up like Detroit, and honestly, he’s not wrong. Just look at what’s happening in Democrat-run cities. Crime is out of control, and the so-called solutions from Harris are as elusive as a clear night sky. When Trump says Detroit is a disaster, he’s talking about the reality on the ground, not some constellation in the heavens.
And that’s the difference between the two. Trump speaks in plain terms about real-world problems. Harris? She’s too busy interpreting the zodiac to focus on what actually matters.
The Voters Deserve Better
With only weeks until the election, you’d think Kamala Harris would be working to solidify her message to voters. Instead, she’s delivering metaphors that would make even an English professor cringe. But the worst part is, this isn’t just a one-time thing. Harris has a track record of serving up word salads that would put your local diner to shame.
Remember her infamous “passage of time” speech? Or how about the time she talked about “unburdening the future from what has been”? What does that even mean? Every time she opens her mouth, it’s a gamble whether anyone will understand what she’s saying—and it’s not a gamble America can afford to take.
Final Thoughts: Is This Leadership?
At the end of the day, a presidential candidate should inspire confidence, not confusion. Voters deserve someone who can articulate their policies, not someone who needs a decoder ring for every speech. Harris’s bizarre, riddle-like responses don’t inspire trust—they inspire memes. And while memes are great for a laugh, they’re hardly the foundation for a successful presidency.
If Kamala Harris wants to be taken seriously, she might want to spend a little less time gazing at the stars and a little more time addressing the issues that matter to everyday Americans. Until then, we’ll all be left wondering what, exactly, she’s talking about.
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How can anyone justify ANY reparations for ANY black people without justification and proof of relationship to the slaves????
C’mon man! This is the truth! Com=Allah is the best the DNC has to offer. Just ”Move On”.