Let’s be real for a minute, folks. Kamala Harris standing on a stage and telling us she’s a “capitalist” is like saying a fish can ride a bicycle. I mean, come on! The sheer absurdity of that claim is laughable. For years, this woman has pushed far-left, socialist policies and now, suddenly, she wants to convince us that she’s a “pragmatic” capitalist? Give me a break!

The Audacity of This Flip-Flop
Just a few months ago, Harris was all-in for expanding the welfare state, raising taxes, and imposing regulations that would make a Soviet bureaucrat blush. Now that she’s the Democratic nominee — not by winning a single primary vote but by being handpicked and coronated by the Democratic elites — she’s decided to rebrand herself. She thinks we’ve got short memories, that we’re just going to forget all her past positions and her deep ties to socialist ideas. Nope, Kamala, we see right through it.
This whole “I’m a capitalist” schtick she pulled at a recent event in Pennsylvania is a slap in the face to anyone paying attention. For her to stand there and declare that she believes in “free and fair markets” is rich, especially coming from someone who’s been a champion of price controls, corporate crackdowns, and massive government overreach. She wants to be seen as pro-business, but her history screams something entirely different.
Kamala’s Socialist History – Let’s Not Forget
Kamala Harris is trying to rewrite history. For years, she’s pushed policies that are anything but capitalist. Let’s take a little trip down memory lane, shall we?
- Medicare-for-All – Kamala Harris once proudly stood behind Bernie Sanders and his Medicare-for-All plan. She didn’t just support it — she championed it. This plan would have eliminated private health insurance altogether. That’s not capitalism; that’s government control over one-sixth of the U.S. economy. But now she wants to act like she’s never heard of the idea. Please.
- Green New Deal – Remember when Harris was all about the Green New Deal? This massive socialist dream of overhauling the entire U.S. economy, from agriculture to energy, with government mandates? You can’t claim to be a capitalist when you’re promoting policies that would crush free enterprise under the weight of government regulation. She’s banking on you forgetting this one, too.
- Tax the Rich! – Harris has never met a tax increase she didn’t love. She’s been advocating for higher taxes on the so-called “wealthy” for years. Now she stands up and says she’s not mad at people for being rich, but they should pay their “fair share.” That’s classic socialist rhetoric. The rich already pay a disproportionate amount in taxes, but for Kamala, it’s never enough. Now that she’s trying to appeal to middle-class voters, she’s conveniently toning down the language — but we know what she really thinks.
Harris Is a Master of Empty Words
Her entire pitch on the economy is filled with platitudes and feel-good statements. “Bold, persistent experimentation,” she says, quoting Franklin Roosevelt like she’s just discovered the concept. She talks about “practical solutions” without offering anything concrete. Harris speaks in vague terms, making it sound like she’s going to wave a magic wand and fix all our problems. But here’s the truth: she’s got no real plan.
Her so-called “three-pillar plan” to expand tax cuts for the middle class and support unions is nothing more than an extension of Biden’s disastrous policies. Biden’s approach has led us into skyrocketing inflation, weakening our energy independence, and letting other countries walk all over us. Now Harris wants to take the baton and finish the job, dragging America further into economic disaster.
What She Really Wants to Do
Let’s not mince words here. Kamala Harris doesn’t want to “strengthen” capitalism. She wants to control it. She’s all about raising taxes on corporations and redistributing wealth through government programs. She’s talked about how the wealthiest Americans and corporations need to “pay their fair share,” but we all know how that goes. In Kamala’s world, no amount of money from successful individuals or businesses will ever be enough.
Take her position on antitrust and corporate mergers. Harris is vowing to crack down on mergers like the Kroger-Albertsons deal, calling them “unfair.” Sure, we need to ensure competition, but Harris’s approach isn’t about fairness — it’s about using the power of government to dictate who gets to succeed and who doesn’t. It’s classic government overreach, dressed up in the language of fairness and economic opportunity.
And let’s talk about those new “investments” she’s proposing in artificial intelligence, aerospace, and energy. That’s just code for more government control and more taxpayer dollars funneled into projects that Harris and her cronies deem important. Meanwhile, real innovators and entrepreneurs will be left fighting tooth and nail just to keep the lights on.
Trump Gets It, Harris Doesn’t
Donald Trump understands the economy in a way that Kamala Harris can only dream of. Trump built an economy that worked for everyone, lowering taxes, slashing regulations, and putting America first. His administration focused on real job creation, not government handouts. Trump’s focus on a “manufacturing renaissance” and his 15% made-in-America tax proposal is exactly what this country needs. Compare that to Harris’s empty rhetoric about “reforming permitting” and “encouraging innovation.” One is a plan that creates jobs; the other is a plan that creates more bureaucracy.
Harris even had the nerve to call Trump’s tariffs on China unserious. Really? The same tariffs that forced China to come to the negotiating table and protected American jobs? Her solution is to play nice with our adversaries, which we all know doesn’t end well. Trump stood up to China, Harris will bow down.
A Last-Ditch Rebranding Effort
The reason Kamala is trying to reinvent herself as a capitalist is simple: she knows that socialism doesn’t sell in Middle America. She’s spent years cozying up to the far-left, promising them everything from free healthcare to student loan forgiveness, and now she’s trying to switch gears. But it’s too late, Kamala. We know who you are, and we’re not buying it.
This last-ditch effort to brand herself as “pragmatic” is nothing but a desperate attempt to win over moderate voters. She wants you to forget all the years she spent pushing leftist policies. She thinks that by talking about her middle-class upbringing and her mother’s struggles to pay bills, you’ll suddenly see her as relatable. Don’t be fooled. This is the same Kamala Harris who wants to control your healthcare, your business, and your paycheck.
Final Thoughts
Kamala Harris calling herself a capitalist is the biggest croc of nonsense I’ve heard in a long time. Her entire career has been built on government control, higher taxes, and socialist policies. She’s only changing her tune now because she’s desperate to win votes. But we know who she really is, and no amount of rebranding is going to change that.
We’d love to hear your thoughts! Please comment below.
Anyone who votes for democrats are fools who must hate America.
Anyone voting for DEMOCOMMUNISTS need to consider finding a new country to live in.
CUBA perhaps, where they would fit right in.
She is confusing capitalist with communist again.
They are product of Liberal Education.
They are Not taught to think for themselves or question authority.
They believe all the lies they want to.
We were lifelong Democrats until an few weeks into the Obomination administration when it became clear that the only promise he intended to keep was to “Fundamentally change America” for the worst.
In the words of Bernie Sanders, she’s being pragmatic and she’s just saying what she needs to, to win the election
“heels-up-harris” is a COMMUNIST pure and simple.
She reminds me of al gore..telling the people she is with at the time, what THEY want to hear…then in a different setting telling THEM what they want to hear.
She is mentally deficient, a FRAUD, a FAKE, bought, owned and controlled by her “deep state wealthy elite CABAL”, billionaire MASTERS, as well as constitutionally ineligible to even be “VP”, or RUN for POTUS, being an “anchor baby” born to two FOREIGNERS, raised in CANADA, before coming here. We do NOT need four more years of the destruction of this country, and more hordes of illegal alien CRIMINALS pouring across the border. WAKE UP!
Right on!
Most people have a mouth just below their nose. But in Kamala’s case what you find below her nose is a asshole, it can be nothing else with all of the shit that comes out of it.
Sadly, there are many people who do believe her. They have been programmed to accept anything that the Commie Democrats promise them. These are the ‘useful idiots’ that Vladimir Lenin mocked when they helped him and the other Bolshevik Communists gain power in Russia — before they executed them. Also, there are many others who hate Donald Trump so much that they are willing to support anyone who is Trump’s opponent. Facts, common sense and critical thinking do not enter into their psyche when it comes to current political issues.
This is just campaign blather. IMO, we are being forced down the path of end stage capitalism/fascism/unending war/depopulation. If Harris thought she could get enough votes to make her win believable, she would recite Green Eggs and Ham at each stop.
Right, knee pads! And I’m a space cadet.
A capitalist communist. Something new for the embarrassment to all camel faces, human or otherwise.
The amazing thing is that there are in reds that are actually going to vote for this skank whore.
That’s inbreds, not in reds. Geez apple.
She may claim to be a capitalist but her behavior, her actions, her proposals, and the policies she support say otherwise. But she has said a lot of things that are not true. She has claimed that she grew up in Oakland, California in an affluent neighborhood of Berkeley. She has said so many different things about herself and her family, we might be led to suspect that she has an identity crisis. She can’t possibly everything to everyone. Will the real Kamala Harris please step forward?
On a side note: We do not need or want a big brother watching over us and monitoring everything we do and say. Nor do we need or want a nanny deciding what is best for us and telling us what we should believe. All we need is a limited and just federal government which respects the freedoms and rights of American citizens. That government that governs least, governs best.
A correction to the previous comment. She claimed she grew of in oakland but she actually grew up in Berkeley.
This woman is a nut case , and anyone voting for this lying hypocrite, would require medical attention.
Really? And just what successful business did she build?
Lie, that’s what her and all Democrats do.
The Establishment Elites lie to all.
Their minions lie to themselves.
“In the last days truth will become a lie and lies will become the truth”.
Of course, Coupmala is a capitalist. All comfort women are.