It’s clear that Joe Biden isn’t just making mistakes; he’s unknowingly doing Trump’s campaign a favor. In a recent interview on The View, Biden’s comments, meant to endorse Kamala Harris, instead handed Donald Trump a golden opportunity. When Biden proudly declared that there wasn’t a single thing he did as vice president that Kamala Harris couldn’t do, he unknowingly revealed a key weakness in their campaign—a weakness Trump can and will exploit.

Let’s face it, folks. Biden’s interview, along with Harris’s comments on Trump’s tariffs, was a disaster. Instead of showing strength and unity, the duo appeared weak, out-of-touch, and ripe for Trump to strike. The Democrats might have thought these media appearances would boost Harris’s image, but they might as well have sent Trump a thank-you note. Here’s how Biden’s blunder just handed Trump a massive advantage.
Biden Praises Kamala, But Exposes Her Weakness
During his appearance on The View, Biden tried to paint Kamala Harris as the perfect successor, claiming she has the intelligence, stamina, and guts to handle the role of president. He even went as far as saying that as vice president, there wasn’t a single thing he did that she couldn’t do. Let that sink in. Biden delegated everything to Harris, from foreign policy to domestic issues. This is not just concerning—it’s alarming.
Why is this so important? Well, it essentially means that Harris was heavily involved in the same disastrous policies that Biden has been ridiculed for. From the botched Afghanistan withdrawal to skyrocketing inflation, Biden just confirmed that Harris was right there with him, making these poor decisions. Trump doesn’t even need to dig up dirt—Biden handed it to him on a silver platter. Biden’s comment, meant to boost Harris, does the exact opposite. It shows that Harris is not an alternative to Biden’s failures—she’s a part of them.
Harris’s Hypocrisy on Trump’s Tariffs
But it wasn’t just Biden making mistakes. Kamala Harris’s solo sit-down interview was another catastrophe waiting to happen. In the interview, Harris took a shot at Trump, claiming that he was not serious about tariffs. According to Harris, Trump just threw around the idea of tariffs without considering the economic impact. She implied that Trump’s tariff policies were nothing more than political talking points designed for his rallies.
Now, hold on a minute. As the panel on Fox News pointed out, Harris’s comments on tariffs are not only hypocritical, but they also expose her lack of understanding when it comes to economics. Harris criticized Trump for his tariffs, yet under the Biden-Harris administration, many of Trump’s tariffs have remained in place. In fact, they’ve even raised some of them!
It’s almost laughable. Harris criticizes Trump’s policies, but then turns around and continues them. So which is it, Kamala? Are the tariffs a bad idea, or are they beneficial to the economy? It’s clear that she’s just throwing around empty criticism in an attempt to distance herself from Trump, all while maintaining the very policies she pretends to oppose. Trump’s team will undoubtedly seize on this, highlighting the inconsistency and incompetence of the Biden-Harris administration.
Biden’s Incoherent Praise and the Trump Advantage
Let’s not forget the cringe-worthy praise Biden received on The View. The panel gushed over him as if he was one of the Beatles, lavishing him with compliments as though he’d solved the world’s problems. This bizarre display only served to further highlight how out of touch the mainstream media and liberal elites are with the average American. Biden’s handlers must have thought this would paint him in a positive light, but instead, it reeked of desperation.
More importantly, Biden’s lack of coherent responses and his continued endorsement of Harris provide Trump with plenty of ammunition. Trump’s message is clear: under a Biden-Harris administration, nothing will change. The same disastrous policies that have weakened America will continue, and Biden’s blind support of Harris only solidifies that fact. For Trump, this is the easiest angle to attack: Harris is not the solution; she’s part of the problem.
Biden’s Failed Economic Policies Highlighted
Let’s not forget what this all boils down to—Biden’s failed economic policies. Harris tried to take Trump to task over tariffs, but as Judge Jeanine rightly pointed out, Harris should be more concerned about the billions of taxpayer dollars they’ve funneled into green energy boondoggles. While Harris goes on about Trump’s tariffs, the American people are struggling with inflation, massive debt, and a weak economy. And what is their solution? More of the same failed policies that got us here in the first place.
Biden and Harris continue to push their agenda, pretending it’s working. But the reality is Americans are feeling the pinch every day at the grocery store, the gas pump, and just trying to make ends meet. Biden’s policies, supported and implemented by Harris, have failed America. And now, thanks to Biden’s lack of foresight, Trump’s campaign has everything it needs to drive that point home.
Trump’s 2024 Victory Just Got Easier
In the end, Biden’s appearance on The View and Harris’s embarrassing interview have made one thing clear: they are not prepared for the upcoming election. Trump has the upper hand. With Biden praising Harris for her involvement in all his administration’s failures, and Harris struggling to articulate a coherent policy position, Trump’s path to victory in 2024 has become even smoother.
This isn’t just speculation—it’s fact. Biden has, unwittingly, handed Trump one of the most potent arguments for his campaign: a Biden-Harris administration is incapable of leading America. They’ve proven it with their policies, and now, they’re admitting it themselves in public interviews. As the saying goes, when your opponent is digging their own grave, don’t interrupt.
The Biden-Harris team might have thought these interviews would paint them as strong and capable, but the exact opposite happened. Trump will use Biden’s own words against him, showing the American people that Harris isn’t the answer—she’s just more of the same.
Final Thoughts
Joe Biden has unknowingly delivered a huge gift to Trump’s campaign by praising Kamala Harris and admitting she was deeply involved in his administration’s failures. As Trump continues to build momentum for 2024, Biden and Harris’s public appearances only serve to highlight their weaknesses and hand Trump an advantage. Whether it’s Biden’s incoherent praise or Harris’s hypocritical attack on Trump’s tariffs, the Biden-Harris administration has just given Trump more than enough ammunition to win.
Lets face it, Biden had been the worst VP in American history until Harris came along.