Al Sharpton and his cronies in the far-left media love to spread lies. It’s their bread and butter. And right now, one of their biggest lies is tying Project 2025 to Donald Trump. Let’s set the record straight: Trump had nothing to do with Project 2025. But that won’t stop Sharpton and the left from using it as another tool in their identity politics arsenal.

This recent Democratic convention speech from SEIU President April Barrette is a prime example. She stands there pushing the same tired talking points, pretending to be all about workers’ rights, when really, she’s just stoking the fires of division. This is the kind of manipulation we’ve come to expect from the likes of Sharpton. The truth? Project 2025 is being dramatically exaggerated by the left, and it doesn’t even align with Trump’s platform.
Let’s break it down.
Project 2025: The Left’s Bogeyman, But Not Trump’s Plan
First things first: Project 2025 is not Donald Trump’s plan. You wouldn’t know that from the left’s constant fearmongering, though. Al Sharpton and April Barrette, in their desperate attempt to smear conservatives, are pushing this false narrative that Project 2025 is some Trump-driven agenda. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Yes, Project 2025 has a conservative tilt, but it’s not Trump’s brainchild. In fact, most of the points the left is using to criticize it are either blatant lies or exaggerated to the point of absurdity. They claim it’s about gutting unions, undermining workers, and replacing government employees with MAGA loyalists. This is classic fearmongering, designed to keep people from thinking critically about what’s really happening.
The reality is that Trump’s platform has never aligned with the exaggerated claims the left is making about Project 2025. He’s always been about empowering the working class, draining the swamp, and putting America first. Sharpton and his crew know this, but they’d rather twist the truth to keep their base angry and divided.
The Left’s Manipulation: Race-Baiting and Identity Politics
Al Sharpton’s playbook has always been simple: divide and conquer. He’s made a career out of stoking racial tensions and pitting Americans against each other. And with this latest push from SEIU President April Barrette, it’s clear that Sharpton’s influence is alive and well.
Barrette’s speech at the Democratic convention was a masterclass in identity politics. She spoke of building a “younger, darker, hipper” movement—language designed to divide Americans along racial and generational lines. This is Sharpton’s bread and butter. It’s not about uplifting workers or helping the middle class—it’s about creating division.
What’s worse is the way they paint Trump and conservatives as the enemy. According to them, we’re all elitists who only care about a small, privileged segment of the population. But that’s just another lie. Trump has always fought for ALL Americans, especially the working class.
Trump’s Real Record: Standing Up for the Working Class
Let’s set the record straight about Trump’s accomplishments. Under his administration, the economy boomed, unemployment hit record lows, and wages rose—especially for the working class. Minority communities saw historic gains in employment and income under Trump’s policies. But you won’t hear that from Al Sharpton or April Barrette.
Instead, they’ll lie to you. They’ll tell you that Trump was out to destroy unions and harm workers. But the truth is, Trump’s policies created more opportunities for Americans than any of the left’s identity-politics-driven schemes ever could. His “America First” approach was about making sure that ALL Americans, regardless of race or background, had the opportunity to thrive.
Sharpton and Barrette? They don’t want you to know that. They’d rather keep you focused on race and identity, distracting you from the real issues.
Project 2025: A Conservative Initiative, But Not a Trump Agenda
Let’s get back to Project 2025. The left’s constant lies about this plan are staggering. They want you to believe it’s some grand conspiracy to take over the government and replace workers with MAGA loyalists. But that’s simply not true.
Project 2025 is a conservative initiative aimed at reducing government overreach and restoring accountability in Washington. Does it have a conservative tilt? Absolutely. But Trump’s platform? It’s nowhere to be found in this so-called “plan.” The left is using Project 2025 as a convenient scapegoat to scare voters and keep them angry.
They claim it’s all about dismantling unions and taking power away from workers. But that’s not what this is about. It’s about making sure the government works for the people again. And anyone who’s paid attention to Trump’s presidency knows that his goal was always to drain the swamp and root out corruption—not to attack hardworking Americans.
Al Sharpton: The Real Divider-in-Chief
The real issue here is the way Al Sharpton and the left use identity politics to keep Americans divided. They don’t care about unity, and they certainly don’t care about the truth. Sharpton’s entire career has been built on race-baiting, and he’s used it to line his own pockets and gain political influence.
Speeches like April Barrette’s are just another example of how Sharpton’s divisive tactics have seeped into every corner of the left’s agenda. They want to convince you that the right is the enemy, that conservatives are out to destroy the middle class, and that Trump is some kind of puppet master behind every conservative initiative. It’s all a lie.
The truth is, conservatives—and Trump, in particular—have always stood for the working class. We believe in empowering ALL Americans, not just dividing them along racial and class lines.
Final Thoughts: Don’t Fall for the Left’s Lies
Al Sharpton, April Barrette, and their allies on the left will continue to push their identity politics agenda. They’ll continue to lie about Trump, Project 2025, and conservatives in general. But don’t be fooled.
The left thrives on division. They want you to focus on race, gender, and identity so you won’t notice how their policies are failing. Trump’s America was an America for ALL people, and his platform continues to stand for that today.
We’d love to hear your thoughts! Please comment below.
Sorry ass shyster Sharpton is a racist loser and a disgusting human being.
Sharpton the poverty pimp seems evil lives forever
When reading your site feed constantly jumps forward and backward. I like reading your content, but the jumping is annoying.
Thanks for the feedback DJ, I’m glad you like the content. I’ll get with the monetization team and see if we can clean it up a little.
Why does Big Pharma, Big Tech. the “ABC” agencies and Pedowood all want to see MAGA fail????
“Jorge Paoletti, a prominent official in the UN’s Office of Legal Affairs and an avowed “globalist”…”I’m not sure the UN is going to survive a second term from Trump.
There is a broader anxiety among globalist circles that Trump’s re-election could undermine years of efforts to advance global governance.”
“If Trump becomes President again it will be the END “to the global New World Order” says Yuval Noah Video”
“Globalist entities and individuals view Trump’s America-first policies as a threat to international cooperation and global governance.”
I had a younger, darker, hipper movement this morning.
Al “not so sharp”ton – stop the race baiting and pay your back federal taxes. I can’t understand why you are not in prison for your failure to pay.