In a spectacle that might as well be lifted from a dystopian novel, the unfolding narrative surrounding former President Donald Trump’s trial is rife with bias and melodrama. As the case garners media attention, certain far left voices, such as Sunny Hostin from “The View,” have taken to the airwaves with a peculiar concern: the possibility that a Trump supporter might end up on the jury. The irony? This worry comes in an environment where the scales of justice are already heavily tipped against Trump.

Sunny Hostin, a professional commentator and attorney, recently highlighted her fears on national television, stressing the importance of screening jurors for any potential bias, particularly those who might show support for Trump on social media. Hostin’s stance seems to imply that the only fair trial is one where the jury is cleansed of any Trump sympathizers. This raises an eyebrow or two, considering her legal training should advocate for impartiality, not a jury tailored to secure a conviction.
The bias against Trump isn’t just a figment of conservative complaints; it’s palpable and supported by facts. The district attorney handling Trump’s case ran on promises to target him. The judge has previously shown disdain towards Trump, and the juror pool is drawn from a city where voter sentiment heavily leans against the former president. In fact, statistics suggest that 87-90% of Manhattanites are not in Trump’s camp.
The concerns about a biased trial are not without merit. Legal experts like Judge Janine Pirro and journalist Megyn Kelly have pointed out the absurdity of the situation: a juror expressing mild support for Trump on social media is deemed biased, yet a judge and a DA openly antagonistic towards him are perfectly acceptable.
This scenario is not just about Trump. It’s a glaring red flag for the integrity of our judicial system. When the media openly supports excluding potential jurors who might disrupt a pre-determined narrative, it’s a short leap from legal proceedings to political theater.
Final Thoughts
As the trial progresses, the true test will be whether the principle of a fair trial can withstand the onslaught of political bias and media frenzy. For anyone concerned with justice, regardless of political affiliation, the situation should be alarming. It’s a potent reminder that what happens to Trump today could happen to anyone tomorrow. This isn’t just about one man’s legal battle; it’s about ensuring that our justice system remains a place of law, not of political retribution.
In this climate of heightened partisanship and media bias, it’s crucial to remain vigilant about the principles that underpin our legal system. The integrity of our courts depends not on their ability to convict those we oppose but on their commitment to fairness and impartiality. In the case of Donald Trump, as controversial a figure as he may be, the standard must remain the same.
Imagine that… attorney that doesn’t want someone to get a fair trial. How did she pass the bar?
That’s why she’s a perfect fit for The Crows Nest (formerly The View). So many people want them cancelled along with Morning Moron (formerly Morning Joe) but I want them right where they are being the face of the lunatic fringe out there pushing the envelope of imbecility to it’s outer limits and teaching their viewers how to be even more idiotic than before they had their first cup of coffee.
These old crows better up date their passports because Trump is going to win. Your time is coming up your big mouth is going to burn your ass. Can’t wait to see you run for your next bone.