The Biden administration has just announced another $8 billion in aid for Ukraine, but here’s the burning question: when is enough, enough? With America’s own border in chaos, veterans left without the care they deserve, and families struggling to make ends meet, why are we dumping billions into a foreign conflict? This administration seems more concerned with protecting Ukraine’s sovereignty than safeguarding our own!

Biden’s latest package, which includes advanced military equipment and billions in resources, is another move that puts American interests dead last. With this new surge of aid, including a Patriot air defense battery, expanded training for Ukrainian F-16 pilots, and even more military stockpiles drawn from the Pentagon, it’s becoming increasingly clear that Biden’s priority is maintaining his image on the global stage, not protecting America’s homeland.
America Last: Who Pays for Ukraine’s War?
Let’s get real. This is about $8 billion taken directly from your pockets, American taxpayers, and sent abroad while so many here at home are left to fend for themselves. Veterans are homeless. Border towns are being overrun. Inflation is eating away at every paycheck. Yet, Biden continues to funnel money to Ukraine without blinking an eye. And what’s his excuse? It’s to “help Ukraine win the war.”
But how does this war benefit the average American? The fact is, it doesn’t. Biden is using your hard-earned money to play global savior while abandoning the real problems happening right here. And let’s be honest: this isn’t just a small amount. The $8 billion package comes right after the administration already failed to extend the Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA) through Congress, which forced the White House to allocate billions set to expire. Congress didn’t extend the aid, and that speaks volumes. It shows that even lawmakers are waking up to the fact that enough is enough!
No Accountability, No Transparency
Where exactly is all this money going? That’s what no one seems to know. The Biden administration keeps selling the idea that this aid is crucial to Ukraine’s victory, but the lack of transparency should alarm every single American. Are we supposed to just trust that Ukraine, a nation mired in corruption scandals, will use this money responsibly?
We all remember how Afghanistan ended, don’t we? Billions of dollars funneled into the void, only for the Taliban to reclaim control. Are we walking down the same path in Ukraine? The administration won’t tell us, and worse, they act like we have no right to ask!
Biden has repeatedly promised that this aid will help Ukraine safeguard its sovereignty, but what about our sovereignty? With billions going out the door, we’re the ones left defenseless. And make no mistake: this administration isn’t being forthright with you. This is a blank check to a foreign war, with zero accountability for how that money is spent.
America First: Why Is Our Border Being Ignored?
If Biden has this kind of money to throw around, why isn’t it being used to secure our border? Every single day, thousands of migrants cross into the United States, bringing crime, drugs, and economic strain. Biden has done nothing to address this crisis while he pours money into Ukraine’s defense.
Imagine what $8 billion could do if spent on border security or programs that actually help American citizens. Think of the communities devastated by crime, fentanyl overdoses, and gang violence that continue to surge thanks to this administration’s lack of action. Why is Ukraine’s border more important than ours?
Biden claims his focus is global democracy, but what about our democracy? While he prioritizes Ukraine, everyday Americans are paying the price for his failures here at home.
Biden’s Real Agenda: Globalist Puppet, Not an American President
Let’s be honest: Biden’s obsession with Ukraine is about saving face on the world stage. He’s desperate to look like a strong leader in a war that most Americans don’t even see as their fight. It’s all part of his globalist agenda. From open borders to unchecked spending abroad, Biden (Now Harris) is more concerned with gaining favor among the international elite than defending the rights and freedoms of everyday Americans.
This isn’t leadership; this is betrayal. Biden’s weak foreign policy is doing nothing but deepening our involvement in a war with no clear end in sight, all while we get stuck footing the bill.
And speaking of leadership – where’s Vice President Kamala Harris in all this? Paraded out alongside Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Harris recently slammed what she called “proposals for surrender,” taking aim at Republicans who dare to question the Biden administration’s unchecked support for Ukraine. Harris has no problem towing Biden’s line because she’s just as much a puppet of the globalist elite. She’s backing his reckless foreign spending because she’s a part of the same club that puts America last.
A Slippery Slope to War
If you think this ends with money, think again. Biden has now approved medium-range precision-guided glide bombs as part of the package, allowing Ukraine to strike Russian targets at even greater distances. How long before we find ourselves pulled deeper into this conflict? Are we risking direct confrontation with Russia?
Putin has already made it clear that Russia could use nuclear weapons if it perceives a “critical threat to its sovereignty.” And with Biden continuously escalating our involvement, how far are we willing to go? Is this administration willing to risk American lives in a foreign war that, again, does nothing to benefit the average American?
The Election Angle: Zelensky, Harris, and Political Interference
It’s not just the money, folks. Zelensky’s relationship with Biden and Harris reeks of political manipulation. Zelensky has criticized former President Trump and his running mate, Sen. JD Vance, calling Vance “too radical” and doubting Trump’s ability to end the war. Meanwhile, Biden and Harris have continued to parade Zelensky around as a poster child for their foreign policy success.
But let’s call it what it is: this is political interference. Zelensky has no business making comments about American elections, yet he’s become a central figure in the Democrats’ 2024 campaign strategy. Biden is banking on his foreign policy “wins” to distract from his domestic failures, and Zelensky is more than happy to play along.
Final Thoughts: America First, Always
It’s time to stop funding foreign wars at the expense of the American people. The $8 billion that Biden is sending to Ukraine could be used to fix our broken border, support veterans, and rebuild our economy. We cannot continue to play world police while our own nation crumbles.
The American people deserve better. They deserve leadership that puts them first. Biden’s reckless spending on Ukraine shows that he’s willing to sacrifice American security for his own political gain. Let’s end this madness and demand accountability for every dollar that goes overseas while our people suffer.
We’d love to hear your thoughts! Please comment below.
Who authorized this expenditure? Congress has the power of the purse, NOT Biden.g
We can all be sure that Biden will get at lease $1 billion of that money. When the Hell will we wake up to the fact that Democrats only seek elected office to steal! Look at the Obama’s three mansions in Washington DC, Palm Springs, CA and Hasaii. Each has been appraised for more than $4,000,000 all are well kept, taxes paid, and by whom? You, me and all the other “suckers” who put with this BS. Mr. Trump has never stolen anything from you and me, the taxpayers of America.
Not Biden, not Harris, not the Democrat party.
Can’t someone stop Biden from giving all this money to Ukraine. It’s not our war.
The American people need help on account of Biden’s terrible policies!!!!!!!!
Is it any surprise that Zelenski wants us to vote for Harris? The same can be said of Iran.
All that countless taxpayer money getting shipped overseas just to defend “the big guy’s” 10% from Burisma while East Palestine, Ohio and the island of Maui couldn’t even get a bent nickel for their recoveries.
Not one, but a few are trying to put America First.
The rest are corrupt and self serving.
Kama Harass, or is it HairAss, has a IQ of no more than 75 where normal is 100 and she would destroy this country in three months, or less.
I have been on the phone with her for 45 minutes when she was the CA
AG. What a mistake. She wanted to let all the men and women in prison out because they would then vote Democrat! That is the top
of her ability to plan for the people!
Adrian Vance
Adrian – thanks for the comment, couldn’t agree more. And thanks for following us! I’m an engineer by training – I’m interested in your books, I’ll check some of them out!