Hollywood elites never fail to amaze. And George Clooney – the self-appointed moral compass for America – has once again graced us with his “wisdom.” This time, Clooney’s stepping into the political ring, urging men to secretly vote for Vice President Kamala Harris, because, in his world, honesty within relationships apparently doesn’t matter if it serves his agenda.

It must be nice to sit in a multimillion-dollar mansion, far removed from the average American, and decide that you know what’s best for the rest of us. Clooney’s latest act is an ad for “Vote Common Good,” a progressive evangelical group encouraging Christian men to vote for Harris – quietly, of course. The ad features rugged men in jeans and plaid, presumably “ordinary Americans,” casting their votes. Clooney’s soothing voice reminds men to think about the impact of their vote on loved ones, and to keep their choices private – a little secret, just for themselves.
It seems that George isn’t the only Hollywood “hero” swooping in to guide us. Julia Roberts joined in with a similar ad aimed at women, telling them they can vote differently than their husbands without anyone ever knowing. How charming. Apparently, Clooney and Roberts are the authority on values now, encouraging lies and deception as long as it means a vote for their chosen candidate.
I’m not sure about you, but I can’t help but see right through this nonsense. Let’s get real here: these two actors live in a bubble where they think they’re making some profound difference. They’re so out of touch, it’s almost laughable – if it weren’t so damn insulting.
Why Clooney’s “Advice” Is Insulting
Clooney’s message is simple: hide your vote. Because, after all, what happens in the booth stays in the booth, right? It’s Hollywood’s latest attempt to undermine the integrity of relationships by encouraging people to treat voting like some kind of guilty pleasure to be kept under wraps. I mean, is this really what they think will sway America?
Clooney, who is so proud of himself for telling President Biden to step down (as if his opinion mattered), apparently thinks that if he talks softly enough, men everywhere will suddenly realize they should keep their votes for Harris a big secret. Just imagine: George Clooney, who’s spent decades telling us how we should think and act, now telling men that they have to hide their political choices. It’s insulting and downright embarrassing.
And isn’t it cute how Roberts and Clooney are both “guiding” men and women separately? Of course, they had to involve Julia, because why not go all out and drag both genders into this manipulative Hollywood act? In Roberts’ ad, she even ties in language about abortion rights, telling women that they can vote however they want, without their husbands ever knowing. What a pair they make – Clooney and Roberts, the dynamic duo of deceit.
Hollywood Hypocrisy at Its Finest
Clooney’s advice doesn’t just stop with the ad’s whisper campaign. No, it’s layered with hypocrisy, arrogance, and an assumption that we’re all foolish enough to follow his lead. Think about it – he’s openly mocking the idea of transparency, the backbone of any relationship. Hollywood is all about selling an image, and here we are, watching Clooney and Roberts sell the idea that lying to your spouse about your vote is somehow admirable.
Let’s face it – these ads aren’t just misguided; they’re hypocritical. These are the same Hollywood types who never stop preaching about honesty and integrity, yet here they are promoting secrets and deception. But I guess that’s Hollywood logic for you: one set of rules for them and another for everyone else.
How Out of Touch Can They Get?
Clooney and Roberts may think they’re clever, but let’s be real – they’re as out of touch as it gets. This idea that everyday Americans need actors to tell them how to vote is absurd. Clooney’s never worked a regular job or faced real-life struggles like the people he’s preaching to. The irony is almost too rich. He wants men to vote for Harris, but he’s completely detached from what matters to the average American.
These Hollywood elites believe they’re on some higher moral ground. Clooney seems to think that his years of acting qualify him to tell men how to vote, and Roberts is apparently the authority on women’s choices. They don’t respect the intelligence of voters; they just want you to fall in line with their political agenda.
Final Thoughts
It’s no wonder so many people are tuning out Hollywood these days. George Clooney and Julia Roberts might think they’re doing something noble by encouraging secrecy in the voting booth, but in reality, they’re just showing us how little they understand the values that matter most to Americans. Honesty, integrity, and transparency don’t mean anything to these elites – unless they can be used to push their agenda.
So, next time Clooney or Roberts tries to give us advice on “doing our patriotic duty,” maybe we should remember that they’re the same people promoting deception within our most important relationships. Because at the end of the day, Hollywood doesn’t have America’s best interests at heart – they only care about controlling the narrative.
Find more articles like this at steadfastandloyal.com.
Well, now we know. If you won’t tell us who you voted for, then you voted for harris.
It appears the HOLLYWEIRD PEDOPHILE “elites”, are in a panic that when TRUMP regains his rightful place in OUR Oval office, their names, and CRIMES will be brought out into the light of day, the arrests, trials convictions and punishments, for sexually abusing, and also MURDERING children for the “parts” and adrenachrome for them to consume, will be FINALLY carried out.
AMEN AMEN IF SEWER WOOD went bankrupt and folded that would be a joy as they are nothing more than self centered parasites that have absolutely NO clue as how hard it is for us with this parasite government AKA the demented white house resident and his kneepad v p you parasites in your multi million $$$$ mansions you would NOT have half of your wealth but for us paying to see your movies or to buy your C DS AND you think you have a moral ground to tell us who to vote for you can all rot in hell right along with obama obiden kneepad harris pelosi waters romney clintons the whole demonic demon democrats you are the danger to our country IM VOTING FOR THE BEST OF THE BEST MAN FOR OUR COUNTRY PRESIDENT TRUMP TRUMP 2024 TRUMP 2024 TRUMP 2024 FJB FJB FJB FKH FKH FKH
Clooney is dangerous and un-American
Clooney and Roberts are so out of touch with reality. Pathetic that they have to resort to doing ads for Harris. She hires actors to do her bidding even those to show up at her rallies. Actors are paid to be phony characters that they portray in movies but in the case of these two they are phony in real life. What a waste of a human being. Why would any person with any common sense listen to these 2 idiots who can’t think for themselves. Don’t buy their BS. You’re better than that!!
Perhaps people who vote for Harris want to keep it a secret because they are afraid of – and embarrassed – of showing how ignorant they are.
Very good deduction.
Ever since he married the terrorist supporter attorney (a page out of a USSR playbook) he has changed and not for the better. He even looks horrible. Gone is his looks and demeanor. But then again you get what you pay for. He sold his soul to the representative of evil.
You must keep in mind that actors and actresses have a definite mental ailment that makes them want to be somebody that they are not. And if you have obvious mental afflictions then you have other mental ailments that can come out at anytime. And you see this in many of their actions and statements.
When is ISIS going to clean up Hollywood???
who is the F does he think he is.
when He pays my bill call me
in the mean time go F your self George
Clooney has the perfect chin for a set of balls to rest on.
Diddy buddy
I don’t blame him. I would be ashamed to admit I voted for Kamalala.
Hahahaha – true!!