In a twist of fate that seems almost poetic, California’s top Democrats are starting to feel the sting of their own soft-on-crime policies. Imagine this: you’re at a fancy fundraiser, ready to charm donors and flash your best political smile, but oops—your car just got burglarized! That’s exactly what happened to Congressman Adam Schiff in San Francisco last Thursday. Yes, you read that right: even with all his political clout, Schiff couldn’t shield his own belongings from the very crime wave he’s indirectly endorsed.

Crime Waves Crash on Democrat Shores
Schiff’s misfortune is part of a larger narrative where cities under Democratic control are witnessing soaring crime rates. These aren’t just random acts of theft; they’re the results of policies these leaders supported—like reducing police funding and promoting softer penalties for crimes. While they might have hoped these policies would earn them brownie points with certain voters, they’re learning the hard way that criminals don’t discriminate by political party.
In San Francisco, where Schiff’s car window was shattered, the situation is grim. Thieves aren’t just targeting tourists anymore; they’re going after the big fish too. And why wouldn’t they? When policies do more to protect offenders than citizens, it’s open season for crime.
Politicians in Peril
But Schiff isn’t the only one licking his wounds. Down in Los Angeles, Mayor Karen Bass found her home burglarized. Over in San Jose, a security guard was attacked right on live TV. And let’s not forget Governor Gavin Newsom, who lamented the rampant theft in department stores—only to be told by employees that it was his policies to blame.
It’s like a real-life episode of “Demolition Man,” with our political leaders playing the not-so-sympathetic victims of their own making. The irony is almost too rich!
They Say It’s “No Big Deal”
What’s truly eyebrow-raising is how these politicians are downplaying their own victimization. It’s as if admitting the gravity of the situation would highlight their hypocrisy. Instead, they shrug it off, hoping the public won’t notice that their grand experiment in criminal justice reform is actually a recipe for chaos.
For instance, after Schiff’s ordeal, there was no police report filed. Could it be because he didn’t want to draw more attention to the crime problem he helped create? It wouldn’t be surprising. After all, in today’s political climate, appearance often trumps reality.
The Public Reaction
The folks on social media aren’t letting this slide. They’ve been quick to point out the disconnect between what these politicians preach and the reality they’re now experiencing. Memes, tweets, and fiery posts are flying fast, all highlighting the stark truth: crime is up, and these policies are to blame.
Even the pundits are joining in on the fun. Greg Gutfeld and the gang on “The Five” couldn’t miss an opportunity to highlight the absurdity of it all, laughing at the cosmic justice of Schiff showing up at his fancy fundraiser in a hiking vest because his suit was stolen from his smashed car.
Final Thoughts
This saga of stolen goods and shattered windows isn’t just about the property lost—it’s a glaring spotlight on the failure of Democratic crime policies. These leaders pushed for changes that made our streets more dangerous, all while living in their well-guarded homes and insulated bubbles.
Now, as they face the music, it’s a critical reminder to all of us: policies have consequences, and voting isn’t just a civic duty—it’s a personal protection strategy. It’s high time these politicians realized that they aren’t above the laws they make or the chaos they create.
Let us know your thoughts below in the comments and thanks to Nerk News for another great video!
The perpetrators were most likely foreign nationals. But Schiff is so dense he will propely not learn from the lesson.
You do know that Shit………I mean Schiff carries a firearm in his luggage don’t you? Wonder if the thief is now armed with the congressman’s firearm and will a crime be committed with it! Funny how that works ain’t it.
Now if shifty was in prison like he is supposed to be, this wouldn’t have happened.
At least, they got a taste of their own medicine!
Reap what U sow Schtty U sowed this years ago
Schiff will not relate the vandalism to the soft on crime policies. He will dodge with “that’s what insurance is for.”
It’s the same line used by mayors and police chiefs in blue cities. They claim they will not “weaponize property against people.”
Especially during the violence and destruction of the BLM riots, Blue police chiefs and prosecutors said police would not respond to 911 calls about property being destroyed, “because that is what insurance is for.” So, police were not sent when people reported someone was breaking down their door.