They’re back at it, folks. Washington, D.C. food workers have decided to relive their “glory days” of 2018, vowing to make life uncomfortable for members of the incoming Trump administration. These bartenders, servers, and restaurant hosts have declared that they’re “taking their power back” — by doing what, exactly? Refusing service, giving them bad tables, and delaying entrees. Revolutionary stuff, right?
This is the same old song and dance we’ve seen before. Remember when Sarah Huckabee Sanders was tossed from a Virginia restaurant for daring to show her face? Or when Kirstjen Nielsen was heckled while eating Mexican food? It’s like clockwork with these people. But this time, the self-righteous “resistance” has a new flavor — and it’s served cold, apparently.
Who’s Leading The Charge?
Zach Hoffman, a D.C. restaurant veteran and manager at the National Democratic Club, says it’s all about “conscience” and “taking their power back.” He even joked about tossing drinks at RFK if he’s seen enjoying brunch at Le Diplomate. Because nothing says moral superiority like wasting a $15 mimosa to make a point.
Another “freedom fighter” in this culinary coup is a fine-dining bartender named Nancy. She’s vowed to delay entrees for Trump officials because, according to her, “this person theoretically has the power to take away your rights, but I have the power to make you wait 20 minutes to get your entree.” What’s the goal here, Nancy? Is it to annoy them into submission? Nothing says “resistance” like making someone’s steak arrive lukewarm.
Then there’s Susanna Van Rooy, a manager at Beuchert’s Saloon, who’s declared she’ll refuse to serve any Trump official she considers morally opposed to her values. So, naturally, she’s now judge, jury, and executioner of who gets a club sandwich. She’s basically a one-woman Supreme Court — but only for lunch orders.
The “Resistance” Plan of Attack
If you’re wondering how these brave revolutionaries will “fight the power,” here’s the grand strategy:
- Refuse to Serve: If they spot a Trump official, they’ll deny them service. Big win, right? If an employer asks them to do their job, they’ll quit “on the spot” — as if their shift’s not already ending at midnight.
- Bad Tables: One anonymous host has promised to look up Trump officials online so she can assign them the worst seats in the house. Because clearly, nothing crushes the spirit of a White House official like being sat near the kitchen.
- Delayed Orders: If Nancy’s working, be prepared to wait. She’s promised to “take her power back” by delaying entrees. It’s the ultimate power move, folks. Forget storming the Capitol — this is about lukewarm pasta.

The Ironic Part? Trump’s Plan to Eliminate the Tip Tax
Here’s where it gets deliciously ironic. Trump’s economic plan actually benefits these very workers. Trump has pledged to eliminate the tax on tips, meaning more money in their pockets. But instead of applauding this move, they’re actively plotting to alienate the people who could be handing them 30% tips.
And speaking of tips, one bartender named Joseph — clearly the only person thinking straight — admitted that Republicans tip better than Democrats. He’s looking forward to bigger tips with more Republicans in town. His exact words? “I think my tip average from Republicans is close to 30%. With Dems, I’m surprised if it’s over 20%.” So, naturally, his coworkers want to kick these customers out. Smart strategy, right?
Flashback to 2018’s “Resistance Theater”
If this all sounds familiar, it’s because we’ve seen it before. During Trump’s first term, D.C. restaurants became ground zero for liberal “performance art.”
- Sarah Huckabee Sanders was booted from a Virginia restaurant because the owner’s “moral compass” couldn’t handle her presence.
- Kirstjen Nielsen faced hecklers at a Mexican restaurant who shouted “Shame!” as she dined.
- Stephen Miller had to toss out an $80 sushi order after a bartender followed him outside to flip him off.
Back then, Rep. Maxine Waters even encouraged this behavior, telling people to confront Trump officials in public spaces. She later “walked back” her comments, but the damage was done. Now, here we are again, as if we’re watching the reboot of a bad TV show that no one asked for.
Final Thoughts
Let’s be honest here. These “power moves” from D.C. food workers aren’t going to topple the patriarchy. They’re going to cause cold meals, bad Yelp reviews, and maybe some job openings in the hospitality industry. The idea that refusing service, delaying food, and offering “bad tables” is a legitimate form of resistance is laughable. If anything, it’s just self-sabotage.
Meanwhile, Trump’s plan to eliminate the tip tax would actually help these workers. But logic isn’t part of this “resistance” movement. Instead, they’re doubling down on the very tactics that didn’t work in 2018.
Here’s a pro tip for the “power warriors” at Beuchert’s and Lou’s Diplomat: Maybe focus on customer service and cash in on those fat Republican tips. You’re already complaining about “living wages” — so maybe don’t chase off the customers most likely to give you one.
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The restaurant owners will lose business at the expense of their employees unless the owners promote this. In the case of Sarah Huckabee Saunders, the restaurant, The Red Hen in which she was booted out of, closed in bankruptcy less than 2 years later. When I was in business, political affiliation was not a concern. Profit is what I was after, green color of money universal, not red or blue. I was not in the political business…
Well since three quarter of Americans voted for Trump these schmucks are going to learn the hard way. You don’t want Trump supporters great. Well folks it’s time to show them Its Time To BUD LITE THEM. Time to show these Woke assholes we the people are going to put you out of business you assholes never learn your F-ckin with the wrong people. Democrats lost big time swamp cesspool people got their asses handed to them and your restaurants should go bankrupt also.
Go Woke Go Broke. You schmucks think it bothers us you don’t want my money then support the scumbags. See how long I tell you start crying your ass is as big as you mouth. Your food sucks anyway and too expensive so F-ck off.
Boycott All these business screw the Woke scumbags
Go Woke Go Broke. Happy bankruptcy You Can’t Fix Stupid..
They will penalize themselves with smaller or non-existent tips for very bad service.
It clearly hasn’t occurred to these food service prog snowflakes that an offended patron has the option of simply speakiing to the manager and complaining loud enough so everyone in restaurant can hear. This will likely ensure the offending server will either get disciplined or even fired on the spot.
As a restaurant owner they better put a stop to this crap right now as it will harm their businesses!
These idiots don’t seem to realize they will harm or eliminate their tips! Dims are so dim!
Nothing like biting the hand that feeds you! Let them drown in their own swill.
I seem to remember the little flowers whining about, “accepting the election outcome, “if PRESIDENT TRUMP lost the election”.
And the woke left call themselves the most tolerant of all people…. See how ignorant they really are? It is breathtaking how deep they can bury their heads up their backsides!!
Restauranteur owners need to speak with their employees and tell them if they plan to engage in this insane action, they will be jeopardizing the very business they work for and will be fired on the spot. Another action the owner can do is not recommend the employee if they seek employment elsewhere.
I retrospect, those workers are wrecking their own future with these actions. Trump wants to eliminate the tax on their tips which is to their benefit, but they are oblivious to that.
looks like a great time to open a conservative restaurant!
Seems like there is going to be a lot lot of real estate available coming if these imbeciles want to carry with this bias bull💩. Trump wants to put a stop on taxing their tips, democrats wasn’t going to do that for them. So you’d think they would welcome republicans in because we are working for them to keep more of their income, but they want to be asshats and lose business because of what Party we belong to. I would like to visit one of these restaurants wearing a Trump shirt or hat and see what happens when I order an ice water, while keeping an eye on the bartender to make sure he doesn’t piss in it. They will be losing a ton of business with their attitude. Them on the left say that we on the Right are dividing this Country, but these people in these restaurants are responsible for a bunch of the divide going on, along with the radical democrats in congress. Trump wants to help Everyone in this country, not just the people who voted for him.
There is good reason, that you serve food to them, and not visa versa. They have the money, and you want some of it. Fire these malicious employees ASAP, or commit economic suicide.