In is weak raspy voice at the Democratic National Convention (DNC), former President Bill Clinton made the astonishing claim that Joe Biden is a modern-day George Washington. Yes, you read that right—Biden, the man presiding over economic chaos, record inflation, and a border crisis, is being compared to the founding father who secured America’s independence.

Clinton lauded Biden for supposedly “healing our sick” during the pandemic and strengthening international alliances. But let’s be real—comparing Biden’s tenure to Washington’s legacy is not just a stretch; it’s downright ludicrous. Washington was a leader who laid the foundation for a strong and independent nation, while Biden’s administration has been mired in controversy, economic instability, and international blunders.
And isn’t it rich coming from Slick Willy, of all people? The man who has his own checkered past, full of scandals and moral shortcomings, now steps onto the stage to present Biden as some kind of American hero. Slick Willy’s praise feels less like a genuine commendation and more like political theater, attempting to prop up a failing administration with a comparison that doesn’t hold water.
Clinton also went on to praise Kamala Harris, calling her a politician who represents voters no matter their party. But let’s not forget that Harris’s track record is filled with flip-flops and pandering, making her far from the unifying figure Clinton portrays her as.
As the DNC wraps up, with Harris set to accept the presidential nomination, it’s clear that the Democrats are doubling down on their narrative, no matter how disconnected from reality it might be. Slick Willy’s speech is just another example of the lengths the party will go to spin the Biden administration as something it’s not.
Final Thoughts
Comparing Biden to George Washington is beyond absurd—it’s a desperate attempt to salvage a legacy that ironically was destroyed by the Democratic Illuminati. And hearing it from someone like Slick Willy only adds to the farce. What’s next? Comparing Kamala Harris to Abraham Lincoln? The American people aren’t buying it, and neither should you.
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Has Bill Clinton gone completely loopy? George Washington was our first President and probably the best. At this point in time Biden is our last President and the worst.
George has been dead for a long time. sloppy Joe Obiden has been senile for a long time. Other than that, they have NOTHING in common
Yep, ole Slick Willie must have been token on one of those MaryJanes that he said he never inhaled. The Dims must be really, really brain dead if they actually think of OBiden in the same category as George Washington!
From the guy that said I did not have sex with that woman!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂
and he & his “partner” have killed over 200 people? “no one is above the law” ?
From what I’ve seen of the DNC it’s been more like a high school pep rally, trying to see who can tell the biggest lie in order to build someone up. Sad, but funny.
Aren’t Democrats loudly wailing “not going back”. Yet look at their speakers. Pelosi, who has been in congress since rocks were soft, Sanders who is older then dirt and now Slick Willie (not to even mention the black Jesus, who left office 8 years ago!). How are they NOT “going back”?????
George Washington is a far cry from Biden and had the country’s best interests at heart and would never have thought of doing the things Democrats have done to this country
What planet are the Democrats living on? Just about everything they say can be regarded as the opposite of the truth. Never before in our history have we had the corruption at the top most level of government as we have today. Kamala’s comment that 18 to 24 year old’s are stupid , seems to be restricting the age group afflicted. Any one who claims to love the freedoms on which this country was founded, the rights that Washington stood for, and then votes for the Democratic Party seems to be a member of that group.
Democrats say some stupid things
Democrats are no longer democrats. They are socialists. Wake up folks. If Harris gets into office, kiss any plans for getting ahead in your chosen vocation goodbye!!! She wants “Equity” which means taking from the successful who work their tails off and give it to people who sit on their tails. Liberals, please don’t make the same mistake twice. In 2020 a whole lot of liberals voted for Biden because they were voting against Trump. Please think about our country for once. The Socialist party formerly known as Democrat is destroying everything good. If Harris/Walz are elected into office, kiss our country goodbye. We will no longer be a Constitutional Republic. America will be a Banana Republic controlled by top elite Socialists edging very close to Communists.
Yep, Looks like Hound Dog Slick Willie has gone as Senile as Sleepy Joe. Figures.
why hasn’t Merlin Garlic arrested Bill for his pedophilia at Epstein Island yet?
He is as looney as al capone. If we remember, he eventually lost his marbles from an STD he had contracted earlier in life. But, oh, no, blowjob bill didn’t have sex with that woman. Can you honestly believe that, since his wife is aka Ms Roast Beef Curtains, just like her looney pal nazi piglosi! sheez, i wouldn’t pork her with michael ovomit’s wanker!!
no mention of the 86 murdered in Waco? 4 shot in Idaho? 2 died. Blowing up the Murrah building in Oklahoma City? Jews told not to go to work that day?
Clinton proving that sometimes even a blind squirrel can find a buried nut- even if for all the wrong reasons.
That’s right, there is a legitimate comparison between George Washington and Joe Biden – in fact, between George Washington and all succeeding presidents.
Thanks to Article 6’s Christian test ban, whereby mandatory biblical qualifications were also eliminated, every single president has been biblically unqualified, along with swearing allegiance to the biblically seditious Constitution as the law of land. In turn, everyone of them, regardless whether a Donkey or an Elephant, has helped to advance America’s suicidal trek to the precipice of moral depravity and destruction.
For evidence that the Constitution is biblically seditious, see free online book “Bible Law vs. the United States Constitution: The Christian Perspective,” in which every Article and Amendment is examined by the Bible, at Bible versus Constitution dot org. Click on the top entry on our Online Books page.
For more regarding Article 6’s Christian test ban, see Chapter 9 “Article 6: The Supreme Law of the Land.”
Find out how much you really know about the Constitution as compared to the Bible. Take our 10-question Constitution Survey in the sidebar and receive a free copy of the 85-page “Primer” of “BL vs. USC.”
Thy are so terrified of a Trump presidency they will say and do anything to get this harlot Kumswallow elected. She will be easily controlled, Trump, not at all. Just look at Trumps platform,…it is all about saving america and its citizens from the socialist takeover the dems Envision.
Bill Clinton is not too old, but VD has affected his mind.
snorting all that Columbian cocaine years ago, has had IT’s effect too, bite your lip
he meant washintons wooden teeth and FJB’s wooden head
I did not know that Biden was considered as a ”Slave” owner? but he did have the Democrat Black plantation voters. So that might explain why Bill made the comparison.
just like our military in Amerika in volunteer. stupid black “choose” to stay on the plantation (majority)
According to Bill O’reilly who has done a considerable amount of research on this matter, Biden is the second worst President. The worst President was Jame Buchanan(1857-1861). He was too weak to prevent the civil war. We deserve the Presidents we elect. Remember that when you go in to vote.