A Judge’s Shameless Bias: The Latest Attack on Trump
Once again, we find ourselves staring at the blatant corruption that has seeped into our judicial system. The latest chapter in this ongoing saga involves Judge Juan Merchan, who is overseeing the criminal trial of former President Donald Trump. Despite repeated and valid requests for recusal, this so-called “impartial” judge has decided to cling to his position, turning a blind eye to his glaring conflicts of interest.

The fact that Merchan’s daughter is actively involved in Democratic campaigns should disqualify him from this case immediately. We’re not talking about minor contributions or distant affiliations here—this is direct involvement in the political machinery that has been desperately trying to take down Trump since day one. Yet, an advisory committee on ethics somehow found no bias, and Merchan remains comfortably on the bench, ready to wield his gavel in yet another partisan attack against Trump.
The Judge’s Partisan Agenda
Let’s be crystal clear: this is not about justice. This is about politics, pure and simple. Trump’s enemies will stop at nothing to see him fall, and they’re using every tool at their disposal, including the courts. Judge Merchan’s refusal to recuse himself is just the latest example of how deeply the deck is stacked against Trump. We’re witnessing a judge who is more concerned with advancing his political career and appeasing the liberal elite than upholding the Constitution.
The left’s strategy is transparent—shred the Constitution and manipulate the courts to their advantage. Merchan is a key player in this plot, and his involvement in this case is a disgrace to the very principles our judicial system is supposed to stand for. The fact that he sees no issue with his daughter’s involvement in Democratic campaigns only underscores how deep the rot goes. Merchan is a judge who has clearly chosen sides, and his side is not with justice or the American people.
The Ethics Committee’s Blind Eye
Of course, the ethics committee, with its so-called advisory role, has predictably looked the other way. They’ve claimed that there’s no bias for Merchan to step aside, but anyone with an ounce of common sense can see this for what it is—a calculated move to protect one of their own and keep this sham trial moving forward. The committee’s decision is nothing more than a rubber stamp for corruption, a green light for Merchan to continue his partisan crusade against Trump.
How can anyone expect a fair trial under these conditions? How can anyone believe that justice will be served when the judge presiding over the case is so clearly compromised? This is not just a miscarriage of justice; it’s an outright assault on the rule of law. The ethics committee’s refusal to act is nothing short of a betrayal of the American people.
The Real Target: Trump
Make no mistake—Trump is the real target here. This entire case is nothing but a political hit job, designed to derail his chances of winning in 2024. The charges of falsifying business records to cover up a payment to a porn star before the 2016 election are a smokescreen. The real crime, in the eyes of the left, is that Trump dared to challenge the status quo, that he stood up to the deep state and put America first.
Now, as Trump faces sentencing next month, we are witnessing the culmination of years of leftist scheming. The fact that Merchan is presiding over this case is not a coincidence. It’s part of a larger, more insidious plan to ensure that Trump is not just defeated, but destroyed. And what better way to achieve that than by putting him behind bars, labeling him a criminal, and trying to erase his legacy?
The Constitution Under Siege
What’s happening here is not just an attack on Trump; it’s an attack on the Constitution itself. The left is willing to tear apart the very fabric of our legal system to achieve their goals. They don’t care about due process, they don’t care about fairness, and they certainly don’t care about the rule of law. All they care about is power, and they will stop at nothing to get it.
Judge Merchan’s decision to stay on this case, despite the obvious conflict of interest, is a clear indication of where we’re headed. This is not just about Trump’s right to a fair trial; it’s about the rights of every American citizen. If they can do this to a former president, what’s to stop them from doing it to you? The Constitution is supposed to protect us from this kind of tyranny, but what good is that protection when the very people sworn to uphold it are the ones tearing it down?
Final Thoughts
As we approach Trump’s sentencing next month, it’s more important than ever to recognize what’s really at stake. This is not just about one man; it’s about the future of our nation. Judge Merchan’s actions have exposed the deep-seated corruption that is eating away at our judicial system, and we must not stand idly by.
The left is playing a dangerous game, one that threatens the very foundation of our Republic. We must stand strong, we must speak out, and we must demand justice—not just for Trump, but for every American who believes in the principles that made this country great.
The time to act is now. Leave your thoughts in the comment section below, and let your voice be heard. This fight is far from over, and we need every patriot to stand up and be counted.
So are they going to put Trump’s secretservice people in jail too? lol
This judge needs to be reprimanded from the higher ups. He’s a total disgrace to the justice system. Trump should be able to sue him personally and the state for billions of dollars
The Judge Should Be Kick Off Bench.
These so called judges will be facing the consequences for their actions and their fabricated lies and decisions.They won’t like the outcome of this boomerang they will get!
That judge would look good with an 18 wheeler parked on his chest.
There is no justice for conservatives in New York but there is a God and justice ,the final justice,will be his
Judge Juan Marchan is in violation of the Code of Conduct of Judges – and he should be counter-sued by Donald Trump and his legal team for unethical behavior and file that complaint with the Lawyer Disciplinary Commission of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. He in fact should be counter-sued for $dollar$ damages and thrown off the bench – and disbarred as well.
Juan may not fear GOD, but he will get the Wrath of God before this is over. You just don’t play
around with our
Supreme Judge! He can’t be beat!
This judge is an obvious stooge of the Democratic Party. He has neither honor nor conscience in the American judicial system. My question: what have he and Bragg been paid or promised by the Democratic Party, or do these two really not have any regard for the Constitution? Hope they are hung out to dry.
When does the SCOTUS step up to stop the Marxist rot in the Feral Courts?
Waiting years to overturn a BS case that never had legal standing originally allows the plaintiff to be ruined! The long costly process is the intended punishment and goal of Marxist Lawfare, not the sham verdict that will be thrown out years later!
Perhaps the SCOTUS is silently complicit?
All Government staged trials, agency edicts, State laws, state agency edicts and even a Governor’s own edict that have a direct bearing on the US Constitution or that violate existing US laws MUST pass a SCOTUS review and approval BEFORE trial or implementation begins. If found in violation, removal from office, prison, fines, disbarment and triple damages shall be applied.
In other words, Marxist Democrats can not deprive a citizen of an OBVIOUS Constitutionally protected right for months and months as the desired long and costly LAWFARE punishment before overturned on appeal or a lawsuit can be brought forward to reverse the illegal ruling.
In other words, The SCOTUS must act as soon as smoke from a Marxist political arsonist rises, not wait years while a citizen’s career, wealth, home or business is smoking rubble.
When will this corruption end?? It is obvious that the White House has weaponized our legal system against Trump. They believe by throwing Trump in jail they will win the White House.. It is disgraceful at what they have done to this man over the yrs. And yet, he has shown compassion to H. Clinton (in his words) after she was exposed behind the Russiangate-he refused to prosecute “the wife of a former president”. Where is the justice.??
This Columian Immigrant should be grateful that America took him in and let him obtain citizenship, then a law degree and finally become a judge. But no, , he brought his Communist Traditions and is seeks to turn America into the 3rd world shithole he fled.
Getting ready for Civil War II!
All Government staged trials, agency edicts, State laws, state agency edicts and even a Governor’s own edict that have a direct bearing on the US Constitution or that violate existing US laws MUST pass a SCOTUS review and approval BEFORE trial or implementation begins. If found in violation, removal from office, prison, fines, disbarment and triple damages shall be applied.
…In other words, Marxist Democrats can not deprive a citizen of an OBVIOUS Constitutionally protected right for months and months as the desired long and costly LAWFARE punishment before overturned on appeal or a lawsuit can be brought forward to reverse the illegal ruling.
…In other words, The SCOTUS must act as soon as smoke from a Marxist political arsonist rises, not wait years while a citizen’s career, wealth, home or business is smoking rubble.
When does the SCOTUS step up to stop the Marxist rot in the Feral Courts?
Waiting years to overturn a BS case that never had legal standing originally allows the plaintiff to be ruined! The long costly process is the intended punishment and goal of Marxist Lawfare, not the sham verdict that will be thrown out years later!
Perhaps the SCOTUS is silently complicit?