In a stunning, eye-opening appearance on the Dr. Phil show, Mosab Hassan Yousef, the son of a Hamas co-founder, delivered a stark and unflinching critique of pro-Palestinian activists. They are either “evil” or “brainwashed” for their unwavering support of Hamas. Yousef, who risked his life by defecting to the United States, brought to light the harrowing realities of Hamas’s influence and the moral bankruptcy of its supporters.

The focus of Yousef’s criticism was the pro-Palestinian protestors’ refusal to condemn the barbaric acts committed by Hamas, especially the atrocities of October 7th. His confrontation with these activists on national television laid bare the chilling acceptance and endorsement of Hamas’s actions by a significant portion of the Palestinian population. Polling data reveals a disturbing trend: a majority of Palestinians continue to support Hamas’s actions, actions that have been compared to the most heinous crimes against humanity witnessed in history.
Yousef’s insights into the Palestinian society’s complicity in Hamas’s terrorism are based on undeniable facts and firsthand experiences. Having grown up within the ranks of Hamas, only to turn against them, Yousef’s testimony is irrefutable. He exposes the grim reality that the line between Hamas terrorists and Palestinian civilians is not as clear-cut as many would like to believe. This blurring of lines is a calculated strategy by Hamas, exploiting civilians as human shields and embedding their operations within civilian areas to deter Israeli defense actions.
The moral equivalence drawn by some pro-Palestinian activists between Israeli defense measures and Hamas’s targeted attacks on civilians is a false narrative that Yousef vehemently disputes. The reality is that Hamas has, without provocation, targeted innocent lives in their quest to obliterate Israel, a stark contrast to Israel’s defensive and retaliatory actions aimed at protecting its citizens from terrorism.
Dr. Phil’s pointed questioning of a pro-Palestinian activist on the show underscored the absurdity of justifying Hamas’s actions through historical grievances or alleged oppression. The refusal to outright condemn the October 7th massacre as a crime against humanity reveals a deep-seated bias and a disturbing willingness to overlook the genocidal intent of Hamas’s actions.
Final Thoughts:
The appearance of Mosab Hassan Yousef on the Dr. Phil show was a watershed moment, shedding light on the dark underbelly of Hamas’s support base. It’s a call to action for all who value human life and peace to recognize the evil propagated by Hamas and the dangerous ideology supported by its proponents. The testimonies and facts presented by Yousef are not just his alone but are echoed by the experiences of countless others who have suffered under Hamas’s tyranny. It’s time to stand firm against the revisionist history and moral relativism peddled by pro-Palestinian activists and to hold Hamas accountable for its crimes against humanity.
Puleeeeease! Even our pet dogs know that Israhell CREATED Hamas in order to justify their heinous actions against men,women & children. Netanyahu Zionists are genocidal maniacs!
Why did the media hide this fact ? I never heard any of this till now in this article.
How do we get the media to let people know this fact. It would make a huge difference
in the war on Isreal. Also it would help all involved in the war.
Agree Sid. This is my effort to try to get this word out. You are correct, this isn’t carried by the MSM because of the narrative they are pushing. They are the most powerful force in the USA. How you can help is to share this article with everyone you know. Thanks for reading and your comment!
TRUTH but Gazans voted Hamas IN
Gazans voted for Hamas just like most destroyed countries,the voters are the guilty.Same in Blue states and cities here in America,the voters keep voting for Democrats like robots,don’t reflect over what they do.